The Game

Our eyes locked from across the room.
Your intentions there for the world to see.
With a racing pulse I made my way towards you.
I didn't know why and couldn't explain it if I had to.

You were the flame.
I was the moth.
Soon I would burn in your embrace.

I saw you smile, your brown eyes flicker with passion.
You knew what you wanted and that you were going to get it.
I wanted to turn back.
But I couldn't.
I was being pulled towards you by an invisible rope of shared desire.

I was almost there when I felt I couldn't take another step.
You seemed to sense my fear and reached out.
With your hand in mine I knew my fate was sealed.

I was the fly.
You were the spider.
I was caught in the web of your sexuality and didn't want to be let free.

In your arms and in your bed I reached peaks I didn't know were possible.
All night you took me to the heights of passion and beyond.
I wanted it to last forever.
Alas morning came and you were gone.
Had it been a dream?

Shay Kuntz
For Connie; Look girl, a Dave fantasy that didn’t go astray
For Dave; Ummmmmm *blush* you get the idea.

