Life Span

He kissed her cheek and let go of her hand.
"Ask me to stay" his eyes seemed to say.
"Stay." Her heart cried.
Neither said a word.
He turned and walked away.
She stood at the door and the floodgates opened.
Silent tears streamed down her face as she watched him go.

Now it's 3 years on.
She's got a husband she doesn't want.
He's gotten laid across the country and back again.
Each a nameless face to warm his bed.
A temporary band-aid on his bleeding soul.
This isn't what he expected fame to be.
His name and face were everywhere, yet he was cold inside.

10 years down.
His fame now just a memory.
The public long tired of his heart-broken boy act.
She traded her husband for a dog.
Her heart still ached for him.

A year gone by.
She walked the dog and thought of him.
Where was he?
Was he ok?
Did he still think of her.
He stepped off the plane.
He would get her back no matter what it took.

Another month gone.
He looked in the mirror.
He wasn't as young as he once was.
"Would she still remember him?" he wondered.
Dialing her number he got the machine.
"Meet me there. I'll be waiting. Forever if I have to." was all he said.

Home after a long day she frowned at the blinking light.
His voice filled the room and her mood brightened.
It had taken him a long time.
Too long.
But she wouldn't make him wait another minute.

5 years pass.
2 kids and a house in the burbs.
They were happy.
Happier than they had ever been.
Her days spent with the kids.
His in the studio.
Their nights filled with a passion they never dreamed possible.

6 months down.
His song on the top of the charts.
His kissed her cheek and took her hand.
She bit her lip.
This is what he had always dreamed of.
His named was announced.
He had won.
"This is for you Babe" he said as he walked off the stage.
Tears of joy streamed down her face as she ran to him.

25 years have gone by.
The kids were grown, a grandchild on the way.
He kissed her cheek and held her hand.
Silent tears streamed down his face.
He knew this was the end.
There was nothing anyone could do.
"I'm sorry." the doctor said.
He nodded and let her go.

Now it's 3 years on.
He held the child in his arms.
The flipped through the memories of his life.
"Grandma was really pretty" the child said with the innocence of an angel.
"You bet she was Darling." he said, smiling his first real smile in as long as he could remember.

15 years now have passed.
Their sons stood at the ledge.
Each held an urn.
They nodded silently to each other and raised their arms.
Nature did it's job and supplied the breeze.
The ashes danced in the wind.
As the now grown men turned to leave a pair of hawks soared over head.
Walking away the men knew their parents were together again.

Shay Kuntz
April 2001
To Connie; The idea was another smutty Dave fantasy, but somewhere between idea and completion it became something else.

