In The Rain

I first saw you standing there in the rain.
Your arms wide open, a smile on your lips and a song in your soul.
I run to you as fast as my feet will allow.
Your arms close around me and your lips meet mine.
My heart explodes.

You make me feel things I didn't know were possible.
The highest mountains and deepest oceans cannot compare to the love you give to me.
In your arms I am home.

When you are gone, I want you here.
Sometimes when you are here, I want you gone.
But through all the pain and fight
I know our love will never die.

You make me feel things I didn't know were possible.
The highest mountains and deepest oceans cannot compare to the love you give to me.
In your arms I am home.

Many years have now passed since the day in the rain.
Your smile still melts my heart and makes me forget all the pain.
It is now time for me to say good-bye.
I open my arms wide and gather you as close as I can.
I will always be with you my love.
I am a part of your very being.
I close my eyes and for the first time I can truly hear the song in your soul.
As white light closes around me I smile.

You made me feel things I didn't know were possible.
The highest mountains and deepest oceans could not compare to the love you gave to me.
In your arms I was home.

I see you standing there in the rain.
Arms at your sides, traces of what used to be a smile on your face and only the faintest sounds from your soul.
I go to you.
Of course you can't see me, but I believe you can feel me.
You look around as if expecting to find me.
Even though you don't you begin to smile widely.
Soon I can hear the song in your soul.
As you walk away I hear you mumble to yourself

You made me feel things I didn't know were possible.
The highest mountains and deepest oceans could not compare to the love you gave to me.
In your arms I was home.

I know now you will be ok.
As I prepare to make my final journey into the truly unknown I glance back once more.
I know this is the last time I will visit you.
You made me feel things I didn't know were possible.
The highest mountains and deepest oceans could not compare to the love you gave to me. In your arms I was home.

Shay Kuntz
Summer 2000
For Maria; Happiness has many forms.

