A Boy Learns A Lesson

The boy looked at the man on the stage.
Eyes wide with awe and wonder.
Though he was only 3 he knew he was looking at perfection.

As the boy grew so did his love for the man.
Everything the man did the boy had to do.
Everything the man wore the boy had to have.
The boy didn't care that the other boys thought the man wasn't cool.

In his eyes the man defined cool.
The boy wanted to be the man.
The boy loved man.
The man was perfect.
The boy loved the man because he knew somehow the man loved him back.

One day it seemed the man did man did the unthinkable.
The boy didn't wait for answers, he formed his own on the spot.
The man was not worth the boy's love.
The boy hated the man.
The boy would never look at the world the same way again.
The world was too messed up and the boy didn't like it.
How could the man do this the boy wondered as he yelled and destroyed things.

The boy was alone with his thoughts.
In fact he was just alone.
Try as he might he couldn't keep his thoughts from turning to the man.
He thought back to talking to him and how he had made the man laugh.
He thought of all the joy the man had given him.
Though the boy was young he had pain in his life and the man had helped him through it.
The boy thought of those times and tears came to his eyes.

The boy looked at the picture of the man.
An image caught in time from when the boy believed the man could do no wrong.
The boy picked up the photo and stared just stared at it.
Eyes wide with wonder and awe.
Now that he was 10 he knew he was looking not at perfection, but an image of the kind of man he hoped one day to become.

The boy loved the man.
Not because the man was perfect.
The boy knew now he wasn't.
The boy loved the man because he knew somehow the man loved him back.

Shay Kuntz
September 18, 2000
For Shane; sometimes life just sucks Booboo.


Email: shay@butterflyfiction.com