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Yo-Yo Basics

A yoyo is a toy. There are many different kinds that I will cover here.

Design is the first thing. There are 4 designs of yoyos.

1. Imperial. Looks like this ().

2. Butterfly. My Favorite. Looks like this )(.

3.Pandagoa/Spaceship. Looks like this )).

And 4. Modified. Most new yoyos look like this 00.


The Imperial design was the first type of yoyo. It is the most basic design there is. And I only know of a few yoyos still with this shape.


The Butterfly design is my most favorite type of yoyo. It has a wider gap making tricks easier and it even focuses the yoyos weight towords the rim (which I will talk about under the modular design).


Is probably the most unuseful type of yoyo I can think of. It just looks different.


Most new yoyos are like this. It has better preformance than most other yoyos because it is hollow except for the outer rim which is solid so that most of the weight is focused on the rim for longer and faster sleeps.


Yoyos can be made of different materials such as...

Plastic. Plastic is the most common type of yoyo material for it is cheap and hi-preformance

Aluminum. Aluminum is the most hightech yoyo material available for its heavy weight, and precise balance make it the material of the longest spinning yoyo.

Wood. Wood is the first yoyo material ever used. It resists cracking and scratches better than plastic yoyos. Wood is good.

Rubber. I can only think of one company that makes rubber yoyos (Henrys YoYos makers of the Viper). They are probably the most safe yoyos around. They wont crack, wont nick up, dont hurt, safe to walk the dog on pavement.


The kinds of axels are...

Fixed Axel. On a fixed axel yoyo the string touches the axel. This causes a large amount of friction making the yoyo sleep for advanced players a average of 15-30 seconds. Fixed axels have their advantages though, they are great loopers, and show the sign of a true yoyo master. Fixed axels come as metal,brass,and wood. Wood being the best.

Transaxel. On transaxels, the string slips over a low-friction ring that spins on the axel. With this revolution, yoyos can sleep from 10 seconds to 10 minutes! Transaxels are made to sleep, making them very hard to loop. Though they are good because the are easy to use. Make learning new tricks easyer. And sleeep longer than fixed axels. Transaxels come in plastic,wood,roller bearing,and ball bearing. Ball bearing being the best. NOTE: Roller Bearing and Ball Bearing axels are sometimes not considered transaxel but they are. Just a higher quality.