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Experience and Earning of XP

Typical ways to earn xp:

To earn xp:

All spars of any type, spar, MS, HM, SM, RM, DM and AA's/Rezz's must be logged and sent to their GC or xp master.

AA logs must be sent to MatsuTsunami and REZZ logs must be sent to Ignatious.

All logs concerning war must be sent to Ignatious.

Any logs of Theft should be sent to Ignatious.

Logs of BHA's need to be sent to Ignatious

Scoring of Spars:

In a regular 1 on 1 spar, the winner ears 5x the point spread (for example: you win a spar and the final score is 21/40(damage you've taken)to 54/40(damage your opponent has taken)(40 is the amount of damage you can take)the point spread is 54-21=33 so you would multiply 33x5 for the amount of xp you earn.)and the loser earns 5xp.

Scoring of Mass Spars:

When you score an MS, the winner gets xp awarded in the following formula: Number of OPPONENTSxHighest dice of OPPONENTSx5.

Example: an MS consists of 6 total contestants, but YOU have only 5 OPPONENTS, your dice are 92, but the highest dice any OPPONENT has is 65. You do the Formula as follows: 5x65x5=650xp

Scoring of Honor Matches:

Honor Matches are fought to restore honor. For example, someone calls you a yella bellied weed eater, you can challenge then to an HM. If you win, you can rub it in their face, you've earned it.

The winner of an HM earns 15x the point spread (see above, 'Scoring of Spars' for similar situation.)

Scoring of Slave Matches:

The winner of an SM gets 10x the point spread (see above, 'Scoring of Spars' for similar situation) and a new slave. The slave must remain so for 1 day ((IRL time)) per 1 point they lost by, ex. they lose by 5, they are a slave for 5 days, unless they free themselves in an RM. The slave MUST wait 1 day ((IRL time)) before challenging there 'owner' to an RM.

EXAMPLE: Sam and Sue fight an SM, Sam wins 30/40 to 44/40. Sam earns 140xp (10x14) and Sue is Sam's slave for at least one day. If Sue does not challenge Sam to an RM and win she remains his slave until she does so, she may only attempt one RM per IRL day. She will remain Sam's slave for 14 days if she can not beat Sam in an RM.

Scoring of Release Matches:

An RM is fought only to gain freedom of a slave or POW (prisoner of war). The winner of an RM earns 10x the point spread (see above 'Scoring of Spars' for similar situation). The prisoner or slave is only released if he/she wins. If the owner wins, he keeps the slave until the period of ownership is over or until the slave succesfully wins an RM.

Scoring of Death Matches:

The winner of a DM lives and earns 25x the point spread (see above 'Scoring of Spars' for similar situation). If both contestants in the DM pass their HP total, they are both dead, no matter who has taken more damage. REZZ's are allowed unless stated otherwise in the terms. There must be a proctor and witness for each combatant in the room during the DM. NO EXCEPTIONS! To make it more clear, the witnesses should make a statements every once in a while.

Now, Assuming I've covered everything, here are the tables for scoring and raising dice.

This will tell you how much xp you need to advance your dice sides:

d20=0xp d21=15xp d22=30xp d23=45xp d24=60xp
d25=80xp d26=100xp d27=125xp d28=150xp d29=175xp
d30=200xp d31=225xp d32=250xp d33=275xp d34=300xp
d35=350xp d36=400xp d37=475xp d38=525xp d39=600xp
d40=700xp d41=800xp d42=900xp d43=1000xp d44=1250xp
d45=1500xp d46=2000xp d47=2500xp d48=3000xp d49=3500xp
d50=4000xp d51=4500xp d52=5000xp d53=5500xp d54=6250xp
d55=7000xp d56=7750xp d57=8500xp d58=9250xp d59=10,000xp
d60=10,750xp d61=11,500xp d62=12,250xp d63=13,000xp d64=14,000xp
d65=15,000xp d66=16,000xp d67=17,000xp d68=18,000xp d69=19,000xp
d70=20,000xp d71=22,500xp d72=25,000xp d73=27,500xp d74=30,000xp
d75=32,500xp d76=35,000xp d77=37,500xp d78=40,000xp d79=45,000xp
d80=50,000xp d81=55,000xp d82=60,000xp>/td> d83=65,000xp d84=70,000xp
d85=75,000xp d86=80,000xp d87=85,000xp d88=90,000xp d89=95,000xp
d90=105,000xp d91=115,000xp d92=125,000xp d93=135,000xp d94=150,000xp
d95=170,000xp d96=190,000xp d97=220,000xp d98=240,000xp d99=260,000xp

Damage roll chart:

15-19=1 40-44=6 65-69=11 90=16 95=21 100=26
20-24=2 45-49=7 70-74=12 91=17 96=22
25-29=3 50-54=8 75-79=13 92=18 97=23
30-34=4 55-59=9 80-84=14 93=19 98=24
35-39=5 60-64=10 85-89=15 94=20 99=25 (0-14=0)

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