And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Revelation 22:12-13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Higher Ground Trio


by The Higher Ground Trio

It's written in God's Holy Word that Christ shall reappear,
To take His blessed children home, that time is very near;
He wanted all the saints to know that's why He gave us signs
And if He should come this very night I would not be surprised.

Well, I would not be surprised if old Gabriel's trumpet would sound,
Well, I would not be surprised if I should leave the ground;
Well, I would not be surprised if He would come back tonight,
When I see the world and all it's signs.

You better get prepared to go so put your trust in Him,
He'll cleanse your weary heart from sin if you will ask him in;
When He'll return we can be sure that's why He gave us signs,
And if He should come this very night I would not be surprised.

Well, I would not be surprised if old Gabriel's trumpet would sound,
Well, I would not be surprised if I should leave the ground;
Well, I would not be surprised if He would come back tonight,
When I see the world and all it's signs.

Well, I would not be surprised if old Gabriel's trumpet would sound,
Well, I would not be surprised if I should leave the ground;
Well, I would not be surprised if He would come back tonight,
When I see the world and all it's signs.

When I see the world and all it's signs.

When I see the world and all it's signs!