He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption.

~~~~~~~~~~Hebrews 9:12 (NIV)~~~~~~~~~~

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The Harvesters


by The Harvesters

There in a manger lay the precious Son of God,
In a town called Bethlehem in a lowly cattle stall;
He who came from Heaven's throne wondrous gift from above,
God himself, Immanuel, there lay the Blood.

Innocent there stood the Blood in Pilate's judgment hall,
The crowd cried, "Crucify him!" though in him they found no fault;
They took him to Golgatha's hill, they nailed him to a tree,
There hung the precious Blood that would set all men free.

There stands the Blood of the everlasting covenant,
Reconciling us to God making Christ our righteousness;
Life giving stream that will save and redeem;
Power, his cleansing blood, there stands the Blood.

Someday in Glory we will kneel at the throne,
Praising our Savior whose precious blood did atone;
With the saints from every race eternal joy we will share,
Standing in God's presence for the Blood's standing there.

There stands the Blood of the everlasting covenant,
Reconciling us to God making Christ our righteousness;
Life giving stream that will save and redeem;
Power, his cleansing blood, there stands the Blood.

There stands the Blood of the everlasting covenant,
Reconciling us to God making Christ our righteousness;
Life giving stream that will save and redeem;
Power, his cleansing blood, that holy, cleansing blood,
There stands the Blood.

The Blood!