Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ephesians 5:19-20 NIV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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by The Gracemen

I am on a journey to that city four square,
And by the grace and the love of God I will surely enter there;
Then some glad tomorrow with the saints I'll stand,
I'll put on a crown and walk around all over God's promised land.

O glory, what a wonderful day.
I'll join the throng at the blood-washed throne while the ages roll away;
When I get to heaven on that beautiful strand,
I'll put on a crown and walk around all over God's promised land.

There will be no more dying, no more trouble or strife.
We will live through the ages by the beautiful Tree Of Life;
And when I join that chorus, Heaven's happy band,
I'll put on a crown and walk around all over God's promised land.

O glory, what a wonderful day.
I'll join the throng at the blood-washed throne while the ages roll away;
When I get to heaven on that beautiful strand,
I'll put on a crown and walk around all over God's promised land.

I'll put on a crown and walk around all over God's promised land!

O glory, what a wonderful day.
I'll join the throng at the blood-washed throne while the ages roll away;
When I get to heaven on that beautiful strand,
I'll put on a crown and walk around all over God's promised land.

O glory, what a wonderful day.
I'll join the throng at the blood-washed throne while the ages roll away;
When I get to heaven on that beautiful strand,
I'll put on a crown and walk around all over God's promised land.

I'll put on a crown and walk around all over God's promised land!