Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Psalm 28:6-7 NIV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Randy Simpson


by Randy Simpson

Troubled waters came my way angry storms drew near,
I prayed for God to speak a word to make them disappear;
It seems the waves would not obey the Master's call for peace,
Then he spoke into my soul, reminded me he had control,
And said this time his words were meant for me.

Sometimes he calms the storm, sometimes he calms me,
Sometimes the storm rages on but I feel the sweetest peace;
It's such a joy to know that my Lord knows just what I need,
Sometimes he calms the storm sometimes he calms me.

Circumstance my overtake and bring me to my knees,
But when I feel I cannot cope with this life's troubled seas;
I call on him whose voice can still much greater storms than these,
His words bring peace into my soul when he said Child, I'm in control,
And with one touch he calms the storms in me.

Sometimes he calms the storm, sometimes he calms me,
Sometimes the storm rages on but I feel the sweetest peace;
It's such a joy to know that my Lord knows just what I need,
Sometimes he calms the storm sometimes he calms me.

Sometimes he calms the storm, sometimes he calms me,
Sometimes the storm rages on but I feel the sweetest peace;
It's such a joy to know that my Lord knows just what I need,
Sometimes he calms the storm sometimes he calms me.

Sometimes he calms the storm sometimes he calms me.