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Abernathy Rahl

The Great Archmage
Shaolin Temple, Order of Magik

A death chill touches you then a dark figure appears. He wears crimson robes and a blood red cape. he holds an old walking stick. He carries a broad sword and a mighty dagger at his side, he is a war wizard but he also believes in a fair fight he never attacks unless there is cause to. He pushes the hood of the robe back and you see his dark red eyes staring deep into your soul. A chilling smile touches his face and then he speaks,

"I am Abernathy I am a member of the Mage guild known to all as the Shoalin Temple Order of Magik!
"May the spirits be kinder to you in the afterlife then i will in this."
For now I leave you my Death Knight to play with!

So i see you have gotten past my Death Knight. As a reward click the candle to light your path to many wonderful lands.

Watch your step though, you may not enjoy where you travel.

Save the Dragons Campaign

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