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David M. Davis vs Stephen Jewel
Debt	       $19.08
Int	          .38
file papers       .05
summons           .25
Judge	          .40
undert	          .40
satisfa	          .20

February the 12th AD 1868
Action brought on a note of hand that reads as folows:
January the 14th AD 1867
Due David M. Davis or bearer
Nineteen Dollars for value rec'd.
Stephen C. Jewell

Summons issued for defendant to appear on the 17 day
of Feb. AD 1868 at 12 o'clock. February the 17th 12 
o'clock the defendant appeared and confessed that he 
owed the plaintiff David M. Davis the above sum of
nineteen dollars and eight cents interest in pursuance
of the State in such cases and cost and cost that may
February the 17 AD 1868 the defendant came forward and
by George W. Davis his surety a resident of Licking 
Co. approved by me as good and suficiant surety caused 
an undertaking for the Stay of Execution made and 
provided as folows in pursuance of the Statute in such
cases made and provide I Geo. W Davis as Surety for 
the Stay of Execution on the abovejudgment of David M.
Davis against Stephen Jewell, do hereby promise and 
undertake to pay said judgment with interest and cost 
and cost that may accrue.
               (signed) George W. Davis
Taken signed and acknowledged before me and Surety 
approved this 17 day of
               (signed)D. McQueen J.P.
Summons returned as folows
Rec'd this writ February the 12th 1868 and served Feby
13th by
coppy              .20
milage             .35
service and retn.  .25
		   .80 (signed)W.R. Mller const.

June the 20th AD 1868 Rec'd of Docket Bail the within judgment in fill with cost
               (signed)D McQueen JP
June the 20th AD 1868 Recd my cost in fall
               (signed) D McQueen JP
June the 20th 1868 Recd on the within judgment seventeen dollars
               (signed) David M. Davis
June the 30 AD 1868 Recd balance of judgment in full
               (signed) David M. Davis

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