
In case you haven't visited the main page: Schmee & Scuttle's Hompage is temporarily shut down. There's still an archive of all the stuff that's somewhat interesting. Click Here to see the archive. In other words, don't expect regular updates, cause we both have lots of other thing going on (passing junior year among them) that are more important. We may bring it back during the summer, but for now just enjoy what's here. (I'm taking down Burning Bright because, seeing as it was a continuing story, it won't be updated, I may post it when I finish it...make that if.)

You are listening to "Out Tonight" from Rent

Email me!!

The Showtune Fun Area
Nothing Sacred FINISHED!!!
Closing TimeAn original story, finished.
Pictures Old one from sophomore year, but go here for a good laugh (disregard the part about Oliver pics coming soon!)
All About Me

It's Mark!
Adopt-A-Mark (tm)
Click on the adoption certificate to adopt your own bohemian.
Adoption Certificate
