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My Photo Album

Welcome to my online photo album. I hope you enjoy the picture's I have supplied on here. I am a 20 year old female with an ambition to become a famous singer. I will be 21 February 7th.I enjoy hanging out with friends and family and I love to have a good time. If you want to get to know me you'll have to know that I am someone who loves to joke around alot and I can be a real smart ass at times. Other than that, I am laid back and easy going.Don't forget to check out my online photo album by clicking on the link that says "ZING>COM".(It's right above my first picture) I have many pictures there of my family and friends so go check it out.

New Year's

This is a picture of me on New Year's eve of 1999-2000

Hangin out

This is a body picture of me. I'm just hanging out messing around with the camara.

All done up

This last picture is a photo of me right before I went out to the clubs

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