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..After almost 10 years,a new e.p. is finally coming.A newly designed website and also a site is already underway.The new Kadaras e.p. will be called "Dawn of the awakened",and will also have a remake of the classic 1994 "Dawn of the awakened" plus 4 other tracks.All of this is to take place this year!

The musicians will be the same as the 1994 line-up with more details about all this soon as the website becomes re-designed.Updates will be added here shortly and in the meantime feel free to email the band at for anything else.

In the meantime feel free to download a copy of the 1994 release single "Dawn of the awakened" by clicking on the link below to hear some of the previous work done by the project.Thanks....!
Kadaras - Dawn Of The Awakened (1994 release)

....07/29/05 - Just added online there is now a new myspace Kadaras website available to check out (thanks to Victoria for creating it) and the website can be visited by following the link here:
Kadaras on

More to follow soon!
