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 Nicholas Arganbright          


Upcoming Films

 Under the Table and Dreaming  

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Comic Books

Buzzard 3010 

TMNT: The Return

Interested in Comic Books?

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Fan Fiction

TMNT 4: Past Lives, Future Tense


Godzilla: Ground Zero


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 Nicholas Arganbright  

Nathan Trimmer

Brian Postle



December 11th, 2000  -  comics 2 film we got updates here to there!

Comic Update...

Hey.  While moving stuff around today in my room, something I thought lost for a good while, and I do mean I found by accident, I found my old sketch books, and thus, I may begin to do my own little online comic book of the dead link to your left, which reads "Buzzard 3010". 

Now if I do that, why not draw the TMNT books myself? Well.. I feel I don't do the turtles justice, and maybe I will draw my own creations better.  And if that don't work, Nate says he'd have time to work on a comic book now, so maybe Nathan and me could work on it.  Buzzard was my first original character ever in terms of comics... so... that or atleast I can get some pics of him scanned in some time soon.

In terms of Ninja Turtles The Return, I finished Issue 5, finally, and it plays out quite well I think... and now to start on a grueling part, which is the finale, the Fall of the Foot Clan.

Under the Table and Dreaming....? Whats up with that project?

Eh. Okay guys... very simply... lack of funds. That and my original DP skipped out on me. So with that, it leaves me, myself and I.  I am looking into some other folks who I know like film and probably wouldn't mind doing one with me, and also it gives me time to finalize the budget out more.  Thanks to being dissed at Greenlight, by not making the 250, I saw my reviews.  I am tooling the script up from what it is, so hence why it isn't online. Same with Godzilla Ground Zero.




November 25th, 2000  -  MAJOR Update of Plenty...

Webpage Info...

Well after thinking of many things.... Well... I decided that I am going to host my own personal website off of here, instead of just being seperate and not mentioning either from there.  So from now on, the DDVDProductions will feature my fan fiction, some ideas I had for some scripts or possible independent movies and full fledge movies. You'll also notice down at the bottom, that Nathan, one of my close buds has joined in, and also, so is Brian Postle.  I plan to have things branching out here pretty soon, and get things up and going. I also added links to pages, or plan to, of things that Nathan, Brian and myself are working on.  :-) So at least on me, it shows all what I can do, and hopefully I can branch out showing what my friends do as well... :-):-):-)

More Info on TMNT Comic Book...

Well, I am on Issue 5 of the whole thing.  Ooo... maybe I should update everyone with my progress. Well... On the TMNT: The Return Page, I spiced the entire page up alittle, and plan to in the future, by making it way nicer, like a DVD Menu... LOL like the TMNT 4 page I did when I played the Virtual Producer game (R.I.P...) but which will give you links, like I am trying to get up of some pictures and some possible covers/cover ideas, and issue scripts, and all the info you can sink your teeth into. I plan to have everything up with this, if I can draw and get everything ready by then... ooo and I am making the countdown to the new look on the countdown above.. yay!! So the countdown is actually being used... LOL The projected date for all this is December 4th, 2000.  So... mark yer calenders folks!

To check out what we already have up, click here.


Fan Fiction and Screenplays...

Some are screenplays after characters already created, like the Ninja Turtles and Godzilla,  but some are just regular stories on these characters in regular story/book novel, not screenplay form. I plan to have all of them up and readable in Adobe Acrobat .pdf files. Some will feature their own webpages with DVD-like menus... Please note that the FanFiction and the newly added Screenplay section (er.. will be added soon I mean...) will have some that are listed in both sets, the ones like Godzilla Ground Zero and TMNT 4:Past Lives, Future Tense are there, due to the fact that they are not my characters, in a way, a fan fiction screenplay.  So there you have it.


October 27th, 2000 - Update of Plenty...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comic Book??

That's right.  Well... we hope. The plan is very simple... we think. Alot of this is hopes, and dreams and neat stuff like that, but  I, Nick,  have had a genius plan to write and have a friend do a full blown comic book saga... and then take it to Mirage Studios/Mirage Publishing and Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman and see what they think of the idea of, if I published the book myself, with my own funds to the public and tour the cons and get support for the book, like the original TMNT book.  I'm going to try to get an official website up and going here for that fan comic book idea... if things go to plan, we'll have an inker.. of sorts anyway, and we already have the artist and writer.. so.... more on this to come.. :-)

Logo and all likeness of DDVDP, DoDo VooDoo Productions © Nicholas R. Arganbright  1998, 1999, 2000
All Rights Reserved. Site Design Copyrighted Creators of News Askew © 1997