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If you've ever seen DragonHalf, you would have noticed the small fluffball known as Mappy. Though its exact species is unknown, it would be hard to find a cuter critter. And they aren't just cute. They have an attack mode that sends them exploding into a more grizzly bear-like form, that has never failed to scare the victim helpless. Now, you can have your own! As well as the classic brown, we have mappies in assorted colors and markings. You have to take good care of them, though...they'll go to good homes only.You can get the calm version, or the battlemode kind, only there's less of those, because they're harder to catch. Below are some that are available for adoption...

To order a mappy for you website, e-mail me and specify what mappy and what color, and what your site is, so I can be sure all my mappies have good homes. All I ask in return is that the adopter will add my banner to his/her site...

You are Mappy shopper number

Here are the battle mappies. They're harder to tame, so selection is limited...

Or if you'd prefer a cabbit, shop for one here!

Mappy the Mouse Homepage

The only other Mappy Page I've found!

Need more cuteness?