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Music and fun what more can one ask for...

These are some of the bands that I love....

Moxy Früvous

Of course the first band HAS to be Moxy Früvous. This isn't just a band I'm's a lifestyle. I've met and made many many fruends thanks to them...*grin* I guess you could describe them as an Eclectic Candaian folk band with an extensive range of musical abilities.

The Aquabats

I've often said that if I were at home...and Moxy Früvous were playing in Wheeling and The Aquabats were playing in the same time..I would probably just have a nervous breakdown of indescision on who to see. The Aquabats are a Ska band based out of Huntington Beach, California all I have to say is that they are amazing. And they're superheros..what more could one ask for in a band.

They Might Be Giants

What can I's the Johns...I mean..the giants..are well..I think you just have to experience them for yourself