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Poke Life is a Life a a pokemon trainer you can pick witch pokemon you want to start with Bulbasaur,Charmander,or Squirtle or you can speicalize in one type if you do your pokemon will be stroger but you can only catch that type and one of a other type

if you want to have all water you can sart with Magikarp,Staryu,Squirtle,Poliwag,or Seel
for fire you can start with Magmar,Charmander or Growlithe
With electric ;Pikachu,Magnemite
Grass;Nidoran boy or girl,Bulbasaur or Tangela E-mail me at if you want to join only 15 people so hurry!have e-mail address name dose not have to be real but cant be pokemons name need first and last,witch pokemon what speicalty(if have!) then i will e- mail you with your pokeballs and pokedex catch other trainers pokemon if your only pokemon gets captured pay 500 cretits to get new (cant be same) all trainers start with 1000 cretits earn 100 cretits if you beat a trainer it takes 100 cretits to heal a pokemon fight me to get a badge than win a badge i will e-mail you with my pokemon list you e-mail me with yours when you lose or win a pokemon e-mail me with your name(fake) and what pokemon you got or lost you can only spend 500 cretits per day pokeball cost 50 cretits each or 200 for 5 balls.later there will be more trainers and pokemon for rules e-mail me with rules as the subject When fighting you can carry 3 pokemon around in gym matches it is 2 vs 2