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Missingno Code (2) There are two codes for Missingno I know of. One is to trade with any of the traders in the PokeWorld, then FLY to Cinnabar Island and SURF up and down the East Coast (Where you're on both water and land) then you can find a Missingno. The other code is to talk to the man who shows you how to catch Pokemon then FLY to Cinnabar Island and SURF up and down the coast. Then you will find a Missingno. NOTE: This code can mess up your game if you save after catching it. I cannot be held responsible. ANOTHER NOTE: Even if you see a Missingno, the sixth item in your list will become infinite.

Here is a Good Team of Pokemon 1 normal, 1 flying, 1 ghost, 1 psychic, 1 rock, and 1 dragon.

Stand on top of a tree!

Cut down a tree with the HM CUT. Then move to where the tree was. Save your game and turn it off. Turn your game back on and you'll find yourself standing on a tree! Fish in Misty's Gym

Go into Misty's gym and then face the statue and use your fishing pole to fish in the statue. You should be able to.

A Secret Truck

First you need to trade with a friend a Pokemon that has SURF and STRENGTH then go to the S.S. Anne and SURF left. There should be a truck there. Try and use strength on it and see what happens!

Here the bike music without riding your bike! When you are in the caves on the seafoam islands, ride your bike and you will hear the bike music. Now fall down a hole while still on the bike. You won't be on your bike but you will still hear the bike music! It stops when you press start.

Get all three starting Pokemon First, with the RED version, start a new game and choose Charmander. Then go to the fields and capture 3 Pokémon's. Now, on BLUE version, start a new game and choose a squirtle or a bulbasaur. Now trade what ever Pokémon with one of three Pokémon from the RED version and keep on doing this until both packs have all three begining Pokémon's.

Get Free Pokeballs In Celedon City go to the hotel in the bottom right corner and go inside. Face where the computer would be in a Pokémon Center and press A. The same screen should come up that appears when you use the PC in the Pokémon Center. At a Pokémart, select buy, then select Pokéballs, set the quantity to 3 and no money will be taken. You can do this up until you have 99 Pokéballs.

Secret Coins At the Game Corner there are secret coins lying around. You can get these coins by walking around and pressing the A button.

Get Your Diploma To get your DIploma in the game...complete your pokedex getting all 150 entries, then go to the Game Freak Building and talk to the guy on the second floor (The guy that's not on a computer), if you completed your pokedex, he will give you your diploma.

Win Big at the Slots All of the slot machines have different odds, which change every time. Play each machine 4 times, and if it hits 2 or more, then stick with that one, because it's probably hot. If the slow machine forces you really close to a 777 or Bar Bar Bar it will probably give you one or the other soon.

Get Omanyte/Kabuto and Aerodactyl To get Aerodactyal and Omanyte or Kabuto you must first collect two out of three items. In Mt. Moon, before the exit, there is a guy you have to fight. If you when, you get the choice of two fossils. The one on the left is the Dome Fossil, which gives you Kabuto. The one on the right is the Helix Fossil, which gives you Omanyte. Go back to Pewter City, and cut the bush near the Museum. Go through the back door and speak to the guy near the sphere. He'll give you Old Amber, which gives you Aerodactyal. To get these extinct pokemon, you most beat Koga in Fushcia City and get HM05 in Safari's Zone's secret house. HM05 teaches Surf, in which you can ride a water pokemon. Go back to Pallet after getting HM05 and the soul badge. Surf down the water way south of pallet until you reach Cinnibar Island. Enter the building to the left of the pokemon center. Proceed right until you reach the last door. Enter the door and speak to the man at the top. Give him either the Helix fossil, Dome Fossil or Old Amber. Leave, re-enter and he'll give you the corresponding pokemon.

Get the three Legendary Birds There are three pokémon that are hidden in the game. The pokémon are Zapdos, Mortles, and Artincuno. Zapdos can be found in the Power Plant by Cerulean City. Go on route 9, the area near the Rock Tunnel which you needed Flash for. Make sure you have the SURF abilty. Once you have surf go to the area where Route 9 ends. Go to the water and use surf. Keep going down and you'll see an opening where the rocks brek to open land, go on that and you'll see a big building. Go in there a keep walking around untill you see a bird pokémon standing there. Save your game and then fight the bird. Capture it, then its on too Fuchsia City! If you have fly go to the Fuchsia City gate on the left. You'll see a few little jumpable cliffs. Go to the edge of the water and use surf. Keep going left and you should see some islands. Go in the cave on the islands. You must have strength to get this next bird. Once in the cave find you way through the cave pushing all the rocks down the holes. This is important because you need to stop the current flow down below in the cave. Once you find you way to another bird pokémon, do the same as before. This is going to be Articuno. The final pokémon is Moltres, who an be found once you have all eight badges. After you have all the badges go to Victory Road at the Pokémon League. Make you way through the cave and you should see another bird pokémon. Repeat the same steps as you did for the other pokémon. NOTE: These pokémon aren't hard to see. They just stand there waiting. Be sure to save before you fight them as they only appear once in the game.

Starting Pokémon Tip The best monster to choose when you have to pick one at the start of the game is the Bulbasaur because he, unlike the other two, is a duel type pokemon (grass and poison) and will do best against the first few monsters.

Easy Way to Catch Pokemon When you are in battle with a wild Pokémon, Throw a Pokéball. Hit the A buttion while repeatedly pressing the right arrow key. If this doesn't work, keep trying. It should work...

Harder Hitting Attacks This code is sorta like the "Better Chance to Catch Pokémon" code but it's for attack. Just hold the A button while your attacking and it will do more damage than if you didn't hold A.

Get Eevee In Celedon City, go behind the mansion and find the secret door. Once you're inside, go up the stairs and get the Pokéball on the table. Inside the Pokéball is an Eevee, which can be evolved into any of three types of Pokémon depending on which stone you use on it. A thunder stone will give you a Jolteon, a fire stone will give you a Flareon, and a water stone will give you a Vaporeon.

Battle Safari Zone Pokemon If you want to battle! Pokémon from the Safari Zone, first go to the Safari Zone and pick the area with the rare Pokémon you would like to catch. Wait for time to run out. Exit the building and fly to Cinnabar Island. DON'T battle any other Pokémon. On the island, go to the east side. Use surf. Go up and down that side, and only that side of the island. You will encounter Pokémon from the Safari Zone.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! To level a weak POKéMON such as Magicarp very easily, just make it your leading POKéMON and as soon as you go into battle, switch to a more powerfull POKéMON. When the battle is over, both the weak POKéMON that didn't fight and the POKéMON that killed your enemy recieve exp. When in battle, try to pick the POKéMON that best counters your opponent. For example, when fighting a Bulbasaur (plant), use Charmander (fire). Use your head and you will be able to beat your opponents much faster and for a list of which POKéMON beat which, check the back of your instruction booklet for an attack chart. While playing POKéMON, remember not to make one POKéMON much higher then the rest, you usually want to keep all, or a few from each type, within 5 levels of each other or you may come up to an opponent with the counter POKéMON to the one you have really high, beat you severely then your stuck because you have no more powerfull POKéMON. Save very often especially before you fight a gym leader or entering a cave because you never know what is going to happen and if all of your POKéMON faint, you have to start over from the last POKéCENTER you were at and HALF of your money is taken away. When you get further into the game, you will come across a few battles that you will only get one chance to catch or beat. Before you go into one of these battles, save the game so that if you either die or not catch the POKéMON, you can turn off the game and start right back from where you saved it at. -=Cheats<- I got all these from Cata's PokéPage (They were all tested and TRUELY WORK!) Cinnabar Secret Players have always speculated the eastern coast of Cinnabar island had some weird potential. After all, with all those claims of a "Missingno." and catching Saffari Zone Pokémon. Well those people were right. Cinnabar island is the key to Pokémon's best kept secrets. Before proceding to scroll down this page, be aware. The following 'tricks' will not damage your game, but are very cheap. If you want to be a "legit" player, then i wouldn't recommend using these little tricks. Also, if your friend catches you using them before a duel, i don't think he'll be too pleased. Okay, let's begin, shall we? Pick a Pokémon, any Pokémon.. When you surf up and down the eastern coast of Cinnabar island, you will encounter Pokémon from the last place you've been. Take for example route 1. Suppose you were wandering around route 1 and encountered a Pidgey. Defeated it, and flew to Cinnabar Island. You'd begin surfing on the eastern half land/ half water coast, and what's this? You'll encounter Pidgey's and Rattata's. This is the most important rule to keep in mind. On the eastern coast, you'll get Pokémon from the last place you've visited. This is why when you visit the Saffari zone and fly to Cinnabar, you'll get Saffari Zone Pokémon when you surf. With this in mind, you can begin to exploit the many possibilities of this bug... Missingno. If you don't alreayd know, you can get Missingno. by walking into the Cinnabar Island Lab and trading with one of the many trainers therein. Take a wild guess as what to do next... ...Surf on the eastern coast and *ta-daaa*, Missingno. A level 146 Muk?! And now for the interesting stuff. Try this out: Fly to Viridian City, and talk to the old man who will ask you if you're in a hurry. Say "no" and he'll show you how to catch a Weedle. Afterwards, fly straight to Cinnabar and surf up/down the coast. You'll find a number of high-leveled Pokémon, as well as a new Pokémon called Ž~M~Ž. This new creature appears to have the same moves as Missingno, but it's stats are better. You'll also find level 146 Pokémon. Most frequently, you'll get a Muk, but you can get any other Pokémon in the game, including Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander! Unfortunately, anything other than Muk will be hard to find. We aren't sure why this is so. Here's a chart of everything you can find by using this trick. Pokémon Level Frequency

Ž~M~Ž 0 Hordes
Missingno. 80 Many
Missingno. 146 Many
Muk 146 Few
Haunter 146 Few
All other Pokémon 146 Very rare
Say what? 99 Master Balls? Another interesting little trick assosiated to the above one. First go to Viridian and talk to the Weedle Guy. Fly back to Cinnabar and surf. You'll soon notice than the 6th item in your inventory has been changed. The number has gone up to 99! What does this mean? Take your Master Ball and make it the 6th item from the top. Go fight some level 146 Muk's or Missingno.'s and walk onto the land. Look in your inventory. WOW! 99 MASTER BALLS! You can use this with any item, including... RARE CANDIES! This trick totally works. I've done it myself! Please come back and visit again!
Pikablu Gameshark Code- Thanks Ben!


Gameshark Codes Here are some Gameshark codes for Pokemon Get Eevee,Vaporeon,Flareon,and Jolteon Put 0166d8cf for eevee change 66 to 67 for flareon 68 for jolteon 69 for vapoeon. Get Bulbasaur,Charmander,and Squirtle Put 0199d8cf for bulbasaur Put 01b0d8cf for charmander Put 01b1d8cf for squirtle Get Infinite Money Put 019947d3-019948d3-019949d3 to get infinite money Infinite PP Put 012188d1-01212dd0 for infinite PP(power points) Put 01xx1ED1 and replace xx with any number for your starting Pokemon. Put 01xxD8CF and replace xx with any number you want to fight all the time. 99 Bulbasaur 09 Ivysaur 9A Venusaur B0 Charmander B2 Charmeleon B4 Charizard B1 Squirtle B3 Wartortle 1C Blastoise 7B Caterpie 7C Metapod 7D Butterfree 70 Weedle 71 Kakuna 72 Beedrill 24 Pidgey 96 Pidgeotto 97 Pidgeot A5 Rattata A6 Raticate 05 Spearow 23 Frearow 6C Ekans 2D Arbok 54 Pikachu 55 Raichu 60 Sandshrew 61 Sandslash 0F Nidoran(female) A8 Nindorina 10 NidoQueen 03 Nidoran(male) A7 Nindorino 07 NidoKing 04 Clefairy 8E Clefable 52 Vulpix 53 Ninetales 64 Jigglypuff 65 Wigglytuff 6B Zubat 82 Golbat B9 Oddish BA Gloom BB Vileplume 6D Paras 2E Parasect 41 Venonat 77 Venomoth 3B Diglett 76 Dugtrio 4D Meowth 90 Persian 2F Psyduck 80 Goldduck 34 Mankey 75 Primeape 21 Growlithe 14 Arcanine 47 Poliwag 6E Poliwhirl 6F Poliwrath 94 Abra 26 Kadabra 95 Alakazam 6A Machop 29 Machoke 7E MachAmp BC Bellsprout BD Weepinbell BE Victreebell 18 Tentacool 9B Tentacruel A9 Geodude 27 Graveler 31 Golem A3 Ponyta A4 Rapidash 25 Slowpoke 08 Slobro AD Magnemite 36 Magneton 40 Farfetch'd 46 Doduo 74 Dodrio 3A Seel 78 Dewgong 0D Grimer 88 Muk 17 Shellder 8B Cloyster 19 Gastly 93 Haunter 0E Gengar 22 Onix 30 Drowzee 81 Hypno 4E Krabby 8A Kingler 06 Voltorb 8D Electrode 0C Exeggcute 0A Exeggutor 11 Cubone 91 Marowak 2B Hitmonlee 2C Hitmonchan 0B Lickitung 37 Koffing 8F Weezing 12 Rhyhorn 01 Rhydon 28 Chansey 1E Tangela 02 Kangaskhan 5C HorSea 5D SeaDra 9D Goldeen 9E Seaking 1B Staryu 98 Starmie 2A Mr. Mime 1A Scyther 48 Jynx 35 Electabuzz 33 Magmar 1D Pinsir 3C Tauros 85 Magikarp 16 Gyarados 13 Lapras 4C Ditto 66 Eevee 69 Vaporeon 68 Jolteon 67 Flareon AA Porygon 62 Omanvste 63 Omastar 5A kabuto 5B Kabutops AB Aerodactyl 84 Snorlax 4A Articuro 4B Zapdos 49 Moltres 58 Dratini 59 Dragonair 42 Dragonite 83 Mewtwo 15 Mew Fight any Pokemon Trainer any time To fight certain people at any time. 00XXD8CF (the xx's are where the letters listed go.) Letters Person CA: Bugcatcher CB: Lass CC: Sailor CD: JR. Trainer-boy CE: JR. Trainer-girl CF: Pokemaniac C9: Youngster DA: Beauty DB: Pshychic DD: Juggler DE: Tamer DF: Bird Keeper D1 : Hiker D0: Supernerd D2: Biker D3: Burglar D4: Engineer D5: Juggler D6: Fisherman D7: Swimmer D8: Cue-Ball D9: Gambler EA: Brock EB: Misty EC: Lt.Surge ED: Erika EE: Koga EF: Blaine E1: Gary 1 E2: Prof. Oak E3: Chief E4: Scientest E5: Giovanni E6: Team Rocket E7: CoolTrainer-boy E8: CoolTrainer-girl E9: Bruno E0: BlackBelt F1: Gentleman F2: Gary 2 F3: Gary 3 F4: Lorelei F5: Channeler F6: Agatha F7: Lance F8: none F9: none F0: Sabrina

Infinite Health 01FF16D0 No Random Battles 01033CD1 Infinite Money 019947D3 019948D3 019949D3 Item Codes

Infinite Quantity 1st Position 01631FD3 Infinite Quantity 2nd Position 016321D3 Infinite Quantity 3rd Position 016323D3 Infinite Quantity 4th Position 016325D3 Infinite Quantity 5th Position 016327D3 Infinite Quantity 6th Position 016329D3 Infinite Quantity 7th Position 01632BD3 Infinite Quantity 8th Position 01632DD3 Infinite Quantity 9th Position 01632FD3 Infinite Quantity 10th Position 016331D3 In Battle Codes

Infinite PP 1st Position 01282DD0 Infinite PP 2nd Position 01282ED0 Infinite PP 3rd Position 01282FD0 Infinite PP 4th Position 012830D0

GAME GENIE CODES The codes that follow let you fight any Pokƒlmon you want. In so doing you have the chance to capture it. I recommend that you have some master balls, which have a 100% capture rate. (If you use a master ball you won't have to fight at all). You can find my store codes that let you buy master balls at my page and other places. E-mail me if you can't find them. Replace the xx's with the same number from the list in this faq for the best chance of getting the Pokƒlmon you want. You can put 3 different ones in if you want. Don't expect to get the pokƒlmon you wanted right off the bat. You will probibly have to fight a few fights before you get the one you wanted. YOU MUST FIGHT IN THE GRASSY AREA WEST OF CERULEAN CITY. THIS IS THE ONLY AREA THESE CODES WILL WORK. THIS MASTER BALL CODE WORKS ONLY IN VIRIDIAN CITY DO NOT USE THIS ON A NEW GAME OR ELSE IT WILL MESS UP - 01444D-F7A, 01445DC64, 01446D56 THIS ONLY WORKS WHEN U USE GAME GENIE RED only codes. xx1-91A-7FC+ xx1-93A-F7E+ xx1-9BA-5DB Blue only codes. xx1-91A-7FC xx1-93A-F7E xx1-9BA-6EB Pokƒlmon List Number before Pokƒlmon is number you use in place of xx's Number after Pokƒlmon is number of pokƒlmon in the game. 99 Bulbasaur 001 09 Ivysaur 002 9A Venusaur 003 B0 Charmander 004 B2 Charmeleon 005 B4 Charizard 006 B1 Squirtle 007 B3 Wartortle 008 1C Blastoise 009 7B Caterpie 010 7C Metapod 011 7D Butterfree 012 70 Weedle 013 71 Kakuna 014 72 Beedrill 015 24 Pidgey 016 96 Pidgeotto 017 97 Pidgeot 018 A5 Rattata 019 A6 Raticate 020 05 Spearow 021 23 Frearow 022 6C Ekans 023 2D Arbok 024 54 Pikachu 025 55 Raichu 026 60 Sandshrew 027 61 Sandslash 028 0F Nidoran(femal027 A8 Nindorina 030 10 NidoQueen 031 03 Nidoran(male)032 A7 Nindorino 033 07 NidoKing 034 04 Clefairy 035 8E Clefable 036 52 Vulpix 037 53 Ninetales 038 64 Jigglypuff 039 65 Wigglytuff 040 6B Zubat 041 82 Golbat 042 B9 Oddish 043 BA Gloom 044 BB Vileplume 045 6D Paras 046 2E Parasect 047 41 Venonat 048 77 Venomoth 049 3B Diglett 050 76 Dugtrio 051 4D Meowth 052 90 Persian 053 2F Psyduck 054 80 Goldduck 055 34 Mankey 056 75 Primeape 057 21 Growlithe 058 14 Arcanine 059 47 Poliwag 060 6E Poliwhirl 061 6F Poliwrath 062 94 Abra 063 26 Kadabra 064 95 Alakazam 065 6A Machop 066 29 Machoke 067 7E MachAmp 068 BC Bellsprout 069 BD Weepinbell 070 BE Victreebell 071 18 Tentacool 072 9B Tentacruel 073 A9 Geodude 074 27 Graveler 075 31 Golem 076 A3 Ponyta 077 A4 Rapidash 078 25 Slowpoke 079 08 Slobro 080 AD Magnemite 081 36 Magneton 082 40 Farfetch'd 083 46 Doduo 084 74 Triplebird 085 3A Seel 086 78 Dewgong 087 0D Grimer 088 88 Muk 089 17 Shellder 090 8B Cloyster 091 19 Gastly 092 93 Haunter 093 0E Gengar 094 22 Onix 095 30 Drowzee 096 81 Hypno 097 4E Krabby 098 8A Kingler 099 06 Voltorb 100 8D Electrode 101 0C Exeggcute 102 0A Exeggutor 103 11 Cubone 104 91 Marowak 105 2B Hitmonlee 106 2C Hitmonchan 107 0B Lickitung 108 37 Koffing 109 8F Weezing 110 12 Rhyhorn 111 01 Rhydon 112 28 Chansey 113 1E Tangela 114 02 Kangaskhan 115 5C HorSea 116 5D SeaDra 117 9D Goldeen 118 9E Seaking 119 1B Staryu 120 98 Starmie 121 2A Mr. Mime 122 1A Scyther 123 48 Jynx 124 35 Electabuzz 125 33 Magmar 126 1D Pinsir 127 3C Tauros 128 85 Magikarp 129 16 Gyarados 130 13 Lapras 131 4C Ditto 132 66 Eevee 133 69 Vaporeon 134 68 Jolteon 135 67 Flareon 136 AA Porygon 137 62 Omanvste 138 63 Omastar 139 5A kabuto 140 5B Kabutops 141 AB Aerodactyl 142 84 Snorlax 143 4A Articuro 144 4B Zapdos 145 49 Moltres 146 58 Dratini 147 59 Dragonair 148 42 Dragonite 149 83 Mewtwo 150 15 Mew 151 001-23C-2AE Start a new game and meet Oak, and this is WEIRD.

Charmander's Favorite Pokemon

Pidgeotto's Favorite Pokemon