New PITT PICTURES ADDED 16 . 4 .01!!!
Well, I am finished with my freshman year at the University of Pittsburgh . . . WHEW! I even got a 3.5 GPA this semester so I am extremely HAPPY with my performance . . .now I'm a sophomore, it's hard to believe . . . i'll be starting my Spanish and Environmental Studies cirriculum too so it should be a lot of fun! I even got to bring all my stuff home from Pittsburgh myself, which required 4 trips back and forth from Cincinnati, 1200 miles. It was tiring but fun, especially in between finals. What has happened since then? My grandparents were here for my brother Casey's first communion, and for the 1st week I just basically rested and chilled out, getting used to the rigors of living at home again. I've ran at the trail a lot, mowed the yard, washed cars, cleaned house, etc. etc. I've visited the old high school a couple times and talked with some of my old teachers, including Frau Smith, Senorita Bock and of course Cindy Burr . . . lol! I've also met with some old high school friends at Skyline and on the phone as well. Jobwise? Well, I started my job at Pizzeria Uno today as a cook and I think I'm going to like it a lot! I made a ton of chicago-style pizzas, thin crust and other things as well. . . I think I'll catch on quick! I'm in training right now, learning how everything is made and cooked, etc. plus 50% off meals, no formal dress, and free pop while I work! and it's $10.00/hr!!! I'm working this job nights and weekends, in the daytime starting next week I'm working at Cornerstone again, the mail-order catalog warehouse. I'm going to be a pick/packer, a person who get the items for orders and then packs them to be shipped to the customer. Fun fun , my orientation for that is Tuesday! Not much else for now . . . trying to run a lot, keep in touch w/everyone, and get a tan in between! that is all for now . . .
(up to 16.4.01)
Lots of fun and love all around the University of Pittsburgh . . . About 20 of us went to see Dr. Wagner (our chem professor) on Tuesday to seek wisdom for the final exam . . . all at THE SAME TIME! It was insane. . . he did give us some tips on how to study and what not to study, so I feel more confident about it I guess . . . I had quizzes in both German and Spanish, and we have started our work on our final project, the Inca Indians . . . joy. Whatever, at least the terror of Ivonne Recinos is almost at a close. Whew . What else? I'm starting to get all my materials prepared for my chem and calc finals because I might be able to get my car this weekend and start taking my stuff home in between finals. . . it will be hard, but I think that I will have plenty of time to study at home and what not so I should be alright. This weekend was SO MUCH FUN! On Saturday we had an awesome road trip all over southwestern Pennsylvania . . . first Vicki, Brianne, their friends, me, Adam and Clark went to the Olive Garden near Greensburg, right by my birthplace(Irwin!!!)cool . . . it was alright food, but not great. We then went to Barnes and Noble for a while and read magazine while we waited for everyone to show up . . . we then drove all the way down to Belle Vernon to this bar called Red Dawg's because we wanted to do karaoke. . . it was shady, no such luck because the place was jammed packed. We decided to go to Wal-Mart next door while we waited, and since it was in the middle of nowhere there were MULLETS EVERYWHERE! AHH! and then the store shut down because there was a robbery and the police stopped us because they thought WE did it! Luckily they found the perp; of course, he was sporting a mullet. We also visited Vicki's house, which is in the middle of Timbuktu; it was really nice inside, and they had a late 80's orange mustang in the garage which was for Drag Racing and a 50's Desoto, very cool! After no success at the bar, we decided to drive an hour to Brianne's house in New Florence . . . IT WAS SO FUN! The middle of nowhere, tiny two lane roads and we were just cruisin along in Adam's Cherokee . . . we were so surprised how it got so dark because we're in the city, the lights never go out!!!! We got to her house; it was pretty cool, but she lives right next to a large "coal burning" power plant which practically made the sky look like . . .oops! deleted the rest!!!