I am Seven of Nine's Regeneration Alcove by Celestia (celestia@innocent.com) All right...so the "I am" stories have invaded the J/C world, so perhaps it's time for them to start conquering other worlds...so here it is, invading my mind and, with this story, the K/7 world. DiSCLAiMER: I may be so deluded as to think that I am Seven of Nine's Regeneration Alcove, but I am not so deluded to think that the Trek universe is mine. Please take this in the light-hearted spirit in which it was written. Everyone seems to have this idea that, because I am Borg technology, I must be serious, Borg-like. Say everything's irrelevant. Geez, what strange ideas! Why would I do anything like that? Sometimes I think Computer Console just tells me stuff like that to get me mad. Oops! I may not be Borg in the 'irrelevant' respect, but I seem to have inherited their lack of manner. I am so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Seven of Nine's Regeneration Alcove. Yep, I kickstart the Borg better than the strongest cup of coffee ever could. (But don't tell the Captain that. She might disable me for insulting her coffee! That, of course, is only if what computer console tells me is true...) I also get to experience Seven of Nine's dreams. I don't exactly know how that works. Cargo Bay Door spouted some technobabble about a neural link making this possible, but I had no idea what he was talking about. All I do know is how amazing her dreams are, and how fortunate I am. Since not many other Borg dream, I am one of the few Regeneration Alcoves to experience this phenomenon. The dreams of huge, black birds and nightmares of recapture by the Collective...but most of her other dreams, and her reactions to them, are confusing. Some nights, more often then not, she'll dream of a certain man. Now, not that this means much, but I have it on code of honor from Computer Console, Cargo Bay Door, and most of the Cargo that this man is Ensign Harry Kim. (It's the code of honor that may not mean much, the fact that the man may be Harry Kim is very significant.) She has fairly pleasurable dreams when she dreams about him. Sometimes it will be simple, like finally letting herself go by laughing or smiling with him. Once she dreamt of telling him her frustrations, her fears, and he let her cry on his shoulder. Sometimes they get more physical, like a tentative touching of the lips. A hug. Occasionally, Even more physical...which are the ones which disconcert Seven the most. That's the thing I don't get. I may not have inherited certain traits from the Borg, but I have inherited the knowledge of millions of species. So I know how most species would wake up from a dream like that. Seven wakes up breathing quickly, eyes wide, palms sweaty, and with a fast-beating heart, like she's afraid of something. Most would wake up with a happy smile and a contented sigh, ready to greet a new day after a sweet dream. I just don't understand it... Oh! Computer Console has been listening in to my thoughts (I swear, she has no algorithm for 'polite'...) and is forwarding pertinent data. The couple in question is headed towards our position...we have visual! Seven and Harry are walking side by side down one of Voyager's many corridors. "I had a great time tonight, Seven." She stops and stares at him, eyebrow raised in question. "Lying under holographic stars discussing temporal physics is considered 'a great time'?" His face darkens a bit. "I think it was the company, Seven. Are you saying you didn't enjoy it?" "I enjoyed the evening, Ensi--" "Harry. I told you, call me Harry when we're off duty." "Harry. It was...interesting." She regarded him with a peculiar look in her eyes. "Seven? What's wron--" He doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence before it's cut off by the pressing of her lips against his. I'm taken aback. Holy crow! This is so unexpected! And not just because she actually kissed him when they have no formal relationship. It's the fact that this somewhat resembles a dream from last night... She finally pulls away from him. Harry's short of breath and extremely shocked, as I was. "S-seven?! What was that for?" "I..." I can hear the uncertainty in her voice. "I do not know, Harry. It just...felt right." She walks towards Cargo Bay Door and stops in front of him. She turns to Harry. "Shall I meet you tomorrow at 1900 hours in the Holodeck to continue our discussion?" Harry's still shocked, but the smile on his face clearly shows just how much he enjoys that idea. "I'd love to, Seven. See you there!" He waves and walks off. Seven's just come in, and she's walking towards me. I can tell that she's going to regenerate now, and then we'll begin to dream. I know that, after that kiss, she'll no longer be disturbed by dreams of Harry Kim. And tomorrow, we'll both wake up with a cybernetic smile. *~*FiNi*~*