I am Harry's Clarinet (a companion piece to "I am Seven of Nine's Regeneration Alcove") by Celestia (celestia@innocent.com) I seem to be having a wee bit of an identity crisis...a clarinet and a regeneration alcove in the same 24-hour time span? scary..... hmmm....who to kill for this one? I think it was Lesa, on the RiFt list, who brought this up...don't worry. I'm not serious....*trys to remember the last time she was seriously serious, and can't*, It's just that it's 2am and I'm starting to believe that I *am* Harry's Clarinet. DiSCLAiMER: Paramount composes the masterpieces. I just throw in notes where I feel they should go. This takes place at pretty much the exact same time as "I am Seven of Nine's Regeneration Alcove." But that one explains more, so I suggest you read it first. I am Harry's Clarinet. Yep! That's me! I give voice to his wonderful musical pieces which express his emotions to the fullest. Which cause others to experience similar emotions. Which causes them to cheer and throw various species of flowers and inspires them to go and replicate their own clarinet, which means wonderful music forevermore... Ahem...sorry. I get a little carried away sometimes. Now, where was I? Oh yes. I am Harry's Clarinet. And also his first love. Yes, you heard me correctly, first love. He's loved the clarinet (meaning me) since he was a mere child. His lips have touched my mouth-piece in kisses which have lasted for symphonies. Well, I suppose he doesn't consider them kisses. It's the only way to get any sound out of me. But I think even he considers playing me an act of love. But recently, I've felt as if I was being used. He seems to play me rarely, often only in the prescence of that Borg, Seven of Nine. She comes by twice a week for music appreciation lessons. I'll have to admit, they make a fairly cute couple, but why does he need her when he's got me? Not that I'm indicating they're a couple in any way, shape, or form. They're not. At least, not yet. But he's obviously attracted to her. He's even composed a few pieces either dedicated to her or named for her. He'll play these for her, sometimes. Of course, he'll never tell her they were by him, let alone written about her. He'll say it's by some unknown composer who's name was never revealed, or some lie like that. I think she can tell it's a lie, though she never says anything about it. Sometimes she seems so cold... Hah! Listen to me, ranting on and on. I'm the biggest sucker for a love story, but, when a really juicy one's unfolding right under my bell, I pretend it doesn't exist. Geesh! I suppose it's about time Harry got a love interest besdies me...it's hard to dance with a clarinet. I hear they've been spending nights in the holodeck together. When he comes back from one of these 'meetings', he'll write happy, bouncy odes which represent his joy. When he plays one of those, I can't help but feel joy right along with him... Tonight's one of those nights. He'll come back, smiling his face off, and compose an ode to something or another. Wonder where they spent time this evening. Well, he should be coming back right about... Now. He bursts through Door, who barely has a chance to open before Harry comes through, a smile brighter than the stars themselves lighting up his face. He quickly grabs some ancient paper out of a nearby drawer, then finds a pen and grabs me off the desk. He seems really excited...I wonder what kind of song we'll compose this evening... He quickly scribbles a title at the top of the page. YOUR LIPS ON MINE If a clarinet had eyes, mine would be wide with surprise right now. Whoa! Wait an awful- sounding wrong-note tootin' minute here! They kissed?! That seemingly cold-hearted emotionless Borg let him kiss her? Or was it the other way 'round? There's more to this than I thought. He composes for almost an hour. I watch in amazement as his fingers fly gracefully over the paper. Then we get to play. Melodious music that's positively sinful flows through me and into the rest of the room. I can hear every object in the room sighing happily. I sigh right along with them. Happiness. A fantastical love story, unfolding right under my bell. It may not be me whom he's in love with, but as long as the music continues, I'll be in heaven. And love songs like these last for a very, very long time. Maybe even...forever. *~*FiNi*~* awwww.....