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September 14, 2002

Membership Meeting


Call to Order:  Comm. Barber called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m.


Roll Call of Officers:

Present:  Comm. Barber, V/C Colebrook, R/C Hurst, Trustees Chontofasky and D. Righter, P/C Cunningham, Treas. Smith and Sec. Righter.

Absent:  Trustees Parsons, Hope and Wondrak


Acceptance of Minutes:  Minutes were accepted as posted or passed out.


Treasurer’s Report:  Treas. Smith passed out copies of the P&L and Balance Sheet for the Club.  No questions were asked and report was accepted.


Report of New Members:

Comm. Barber reported that the Trustees had approved 2 new members:  Michael & Lonnie Zofchak and Larry and Janet Miller. 


Reports of Committees:


Planning Committee:  Kim Colebrook that the committee was wrestling with bids and the plans and that it had been decided to have a membership survey sometime during the winter.

Social Committee:  Jeannie Brandt thanked John Noyes and all who helped on the August social.  The September social will be clambake on the 21st and all are encouraged to “wear their HBYC colors.”  The Winter Rendezvous, to be held Feb. 21-23, 2003, will be at the Holiday Inn, Sandusky, on S.R. 250.  It will have a Hawaiian theme and there will be 3 packages available for attendees along with an early registration discount.  There will also be a salute to all Past Commodores.

Discussion followed from the floor to encourage more and different people to work on the fundraisers to get more participation from the whole marina.

Race Committee: David Righter reported that the last race would be 9/21 and season awards would be given at the Clambake Social.

Cruise Committee:  V/C Colebrook reported that the Put-in-Bay Cruise had only 9 registered dockers come to Dugans Dock, for the 20 reserved spaces.  Mr. Dugan will probably require credit card numbers from participants for next year. 

Boutique:  Nancy Chontofasky reported that the Christmas ornament shipment had been delayed so she cancelled the order since they would not arrive until the end of the boating season.  She will continue to work on the idea for next year.

Newsletter:  Sue Young reported that there would be no October newsletter.  Dick Barber and Kim Colebrook will do one later in the fall.

Trustees Report:  Comm. Barber reported that the Trustees had approved a nametag with the HBYC logo printed and member names printed by computer on interchangeable labels.  They will pin on. There will also be a box for members to pick up and leave their nametags at the clubhouse.  These should be ready in time for the April pancake breakfast.

The calendar and slate of officers for 2003 submitted by V/C Colebrook had been approved and will be available for members at the Winter Rendezvous.

The Trustees had voted to transfer all funds in excess of $3,000 as of 12/31/02 to the Vanguard account.

The Trustees had approved that Joanne Mead pursue HBYC obtaining their own domain name with no advertisements.

There will be no October meeting; the next meeting will be at the Winter Rendezvous in February 2003.

Comm. Barber is still working on the rekeying of the clubhouse.


New Business:

Comm. Barber requested a volunteer to apply an additional coat of finish to the display case hanging on the bathhouse.  Bill Buschor volunteered.

Comm. Barber than thanked all for a great year.


Respectfully submitted,


Melinda Righter
