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A Brief History

The Guernsey Valley Ole Car Club was formed on June 20, 1976 in Cambridge, Ohio by several antique vehicle buffs.

The initial officers were: Allen Tuttle, president; Robert Tingle, vice president; and Glenn Baker, secretary/treasurer. Robert Tingle of Henderson Heights, Lloyd Wilson of Pleasant City and Jack Youngs of Derwent served as trustees.

One of the first major activities the club participated in was the opening of the Cambridge Performing Arts Centre on Sept. 12, 1977. There was a large turnout for that evening and we received free tickets to see the musical, "Gypsy."

The club's first car show was Aug. 9th, 1987 on South Fifth Street in Byesville. Fifty seven members' cars were on display.

Our first "Cruise In" was held at Mr. Lee's on Sept. 20, 1987, and our first car show at the Jonathan Bye Days celebration in Byesville was held in June of 1988. We have also sponsored numerous car shows at Burger King, King Pin Lanes, Valley View field, Byesville Merchants & Manufacturers Days and others.

Fifteen different presidents have served the club, with some serving more than one term. They include: Allen Tuttle, Robert Tingle, Cash Misel, Glenn Baker, Ned Pickenpaugh, John Wimer, Warren Tucker, Tom Mackey, Jim Neuhart, John Stolarik, Fred Burgy, Art Swain, Walter Krause, Herbert Dailey and Dick Pavlov.

The club has met at several different locations over the years for demonstrations and tours and has also been invited to several members' homes.

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