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Wizard Pics

These are the pictures I took during my internship at Wizard: The Comic Book Magazine. I had a great time working here and gaining experience. Check out the building and the few pictures I was able to take on the inside. My fellow comic geeks will appreciate my usage of the Comic Sans font on this page.

151 Wells Ave. Congers, New York

Here it is, Wizard The Guide to Comics main headquarters. This building houses all of the staff writers, editors, and most of the people that take care of the other stuff (like advertising and layout), you know, the boring, non comic related stuff.

The Door

Here is the only external indication that this is an intersting place. Unfortunately, I only got a few pictures of the inside (I wasn't sure if they'd look down on that or not). This is the old school label for you younger kids.

Da Cave

This is where the magic happened. To the left is my roommate at Nyack College (aka Footloose U.), Brian. In the top right corner is Zach, and occupying the bottom right corner is Mike. Together we formed only 2/3 of the intern pool.

The Comic Book Library

Some call it fanboy heaven, some call it a mess, we called it the comic book library. The boxes on the left are all single issues. My fellow interns and I (including Zach here, the biggest Mark Waid fan ever) were charged with the task of organizing the poorly alphabatized boxes on the left and putting away the books in the boxes on the floor. As cool as it was to get things published in the magazine, I really wish I would have been able to finish organinzing the main boxes. That's what you get when you cross a comic book nerd with an anal retentive.