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Randy's Equipment

This is all of Randy's gear that he's used both on stage and in practice and I mean EVERYTHING. The kid sent me a picture of his friggin mic stand. What can say though, he's thourough.

The Custom Strat (kinda)

This is a beautiful guitar that Randy is borrowing from his dad's friend Mr. Johnson. It's completely custom made. It has a strat body with Seymore Duncan pickups. It's a sweet little guitar, but my favorite part about it is the paint job. The paint was put directly onto the wood without being laquered or anything. The natural look is very cool in my opinion

The Ovation

Randy got this beautiful acoustic/electric from his parents for Christmas this past year. Unfortunately the band was not able to make use of this new addition to the Bennett catalogue of Geetars. Randy had to cut out early, which sucked, but we're looking forward to having him play guitar on most of the songs that we're working on.

The Mic Stand

This is Randy's mic stand. I'm not exactly sure where he got it, but I think it's from his dad who is a Toledo area musician. He plays saxophone in the swing band The Mighty Meaty Swing Kings. Check em out if you're in the area.

The Mic

This is the cordless mic that can only be used with a cord now. Randy was really psyched when he won this thing off a Yahoo auction. The cordless aspect didn't always work very well, but it's still a good mic.