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Quote of the Week (or whenever I feel like updating it)

  • 1. "I yam what i yam and that's all that i yam" - Popeye
  • 2. "Heroine is so passe" - Dandy Warhols
  • 3. "I want sex and candy" - Marcy Playground
  • 4. "I like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane" - RHCP
  • 5. "I am the greatest" - Muhamid Ali
  • 6. "Life's been good to me so far" - Joe Walsh
  • 7. "I just want to fly" - Sugar Ray
  • 8. "You can tell by the way i use my walk, i'm a ladies man, no time to talk" - BeeGees
  • 9. "They say it's your birthday, it's my birthday too yeah" - Beatles
  • 10. "We need to love and rub-a-dub, we need to dance and be in love" - Lenny Kravitz
  • 11. "He's got to be good lookin cause he's so hard to see" - Beatles
  • 12. "Live everyday as if it was your last because someday it will be" - Johnny Behave
  • 13. "I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day" - Kiss
  • 14. "Live and let day" - Wings
  • 15. "We're too busy singing to let anybody down" - Monkees
  • 16. "Meet me at the coffee chop, we can dance like Iggy Pop, another go in the parking lot I freak the cheek on your hot spot" - RHCP
  • 17. "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half pack of cigarets, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses" - Elwood; "Hit it" - Jake THE BLUES BROS.
  • 18. "I want candy" - ?
  • 19. "Hey, hey we're the monkees" - Monkees
  • 20. "I'm Bart Simpson, who the hell are you" - Bart THE SIMPSONS
  • 21. "Yabba dabba doo" - Fred THE FLINSTONES
  • 22. "When you smoke or poke the poison, you loose the chance to be tomorrow" - Bosstones
  • 23. "If i had a million dollars, i'd be rich" - BNL
  • 24. "Dude looks like a lady" - Aerosmith
  • 25. "Do you suffer from long term memory loss, i can't remember" - Chumbawamba
  • 26. "Pink, it's like red but not quite" - Aerosmith
  • 27. "I think i lost my smile, i think you lost yours too" - Everlear
  • 28. "Detention can be fun" - Enis Cosby
  • 29. "I want to believe" - Mulder X-FILES
  • 30. "With great power comes great responsibility" - Uncle Ben and Spider-Man
  • 31. "I go to party's, sometimes till 4, it's hard to leave when you can't find the door" - Joe Walsh
  • 32. "Ipsa scienta potestas est" (Knowlede itself is power) - Bacon
  • 33. "...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" - FDR
  • 34. "Damn the man" - Lucas EMPIRE RECORDS
  • 35. "Who glued these quarters down?" - Warren; "I did" - AJ; "What the hell for man?" - Warren; "I don't feel that i need to explain my art to you warren" - AJ EMPIRE RECORDS
  • 36. "Who knows where thoughts come from, they just appear" - Lucas EMPIRE RECORDS
  • 37. "You gotta fight for your right to party" - Beastie Boys
  • 38. "Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playing with them" - Coyote Shivers
  • 39. "My cat's breath smells like catfood" - Ralph THE SIMPSONS
  • 40. "I bent my wookie" - Ralph THE SIMPSONS
  • 41. "A taco revolution, I am there" - Taco Bell Dog
  • 42. "What me worry?" - Alfred E. Newman
  • 43. "Why don't you shove them up your ass?" - Warren; "Because it would hurt alot warren" - Lucas EMPIPE RECORDS
  • 44. "My balls are always bouning from the left and to the right" - AC/DC
  • 45. "Damn the man, save the empire" - Mark EMPIRE RECORS
  • 46. "Damn the man, rave on" - EMPIRE RECORDS
  • 47. "Parting is such sweet sorrow" - Juliet ROMEO & JULIET
  • 48. "Noone ever suspects the butterfly" - Bart THE SIMPSONS
  • 49. "One who dosen't care is one who shouldn't be" - AIC
  • 50. "Parents just don't understand" - Fresh Prince
  • 51. "We don't need no education" - Pink Floyd
  • 52. "Who's your daddy, yes i am" - Cherry Poppin Daddies
  • 53. "Tact is just saying stuff that isn't true" - Cordelia BUFFY
  • 54. "I'm not sick, but i'm not well" - Harvey Danger
  • 55. "Paranoia, paranoia everybody's tryin to get me" - Harvey Danger
  • 56. "I'm not paranoid, it's just that everyone's trying to kill me" - a pin
  • 57. "I'm a paranoid schizophrenic and we outnumber you two to one" - a pin
  • 58. "I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding" - Harvey Danger
  • 59. "I don't have low self esteem, i have low esteem for everyone else" - Daria DARIA
  • 60. "Shania Twain, we wouldn't play her, but we'de do her" - WMMS The Buzzard
  • 61. "All the girlies say i'm pretty fly for a white guy" - Offspring
  • 62. "Don't make me over, i'm all i wanna be" - Hole
  • 63. "It's 10 o'clock, do you know where your children are?" - TV; "I told you last night, NO!!!" - Homer THE SIMPSONS
  • 64. "I just want to be naked and famous" - Presidents of the USA
  • 65. "I think it's gonna rain when i die" - AIC
  • 66. "Peaches come from a can, they were put there by a man" - Presidents of the USA
  • 67. "It's green" - Slater DAZED AND CONFUSED
  • 68. "Do i make you horney baby?" - Austin AUSTIN POWERS
  • 69. "She's a man baby" - Austin AUSTIN POWERS
  • 70. "I don't want to be normal like you" - Everclear
  • 71. "What Would Conan Do" - Conan O'Brien
  • 72. "They're all dead, they just don't know it yet" - Eric Draven THE CROW
  • 73. "The world is full of stupid people" - The Refreshments
  • 74. "When in doubt i whip it out" - Ted Nugent
  • 75. "If there's someone you can live without, then do so" - BNL
  • 76. "Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try, no hell below us, above us only sky" - John Lennon
  • 77. "I wish i was a neutron bomb, for once i could go off" - Pearl Jam
  • 78. "Do you remember laughter" - Led Zeppelin
  • 79. "Wow cookies and porn, you're the best mom ever" - Ross FRIENDS
  • 80. "It can't rain all the time" - THE CROW
  • 81. "Why can't we be friends" - War
  • 82. "I don't need a girl don't need a friend cause my friend lonesome's unconditional" - Eve 6
  • 83. "I'm just a jerk but a hero's what I want to be" - Verve Pipe
  • 84. "You don't win friends with salad" - Homer & Bart THE SIMPSONS
  • 85. "Don't f*ck around with my dog" - Sublime
  • 86. "This world is just too full of stupid people who got famous" - Stiff Richards
  • 87. "I'd rather drink a beer than win father of the year" - Homer THE SIMPSONS
  • 88. "What are you gonna put on your resume "dumbass" " - Red THAT 70'S SHOW
  • 89. "Where do bad folks go when they die, they don't go to beaven where the angles fly, they go to a lake of fire and frie" - Meat Puppets
  • 90. "Cleveland Rocks!!!!" - President of the United States of America
  • 91. "If I had my way every fool with Merry Christmas on his lips would be boiled in his own pudding and burried with a sprig of holly through his heart" - Scrooge A CHRISTMAS CAROL
  • 92. "I think I'm dumb, maybe just happy" - Nirvana
  • 93. "We can not know one millionth of one percent of anything" - Thomas Edison
  • 94. "I wished I didn't care but I do" - Reel Big Fish
  • 95. "Is there anybody out there" - Pink Floyd
  • 96. "Exciting, people are dying out there, exciting isn't a word I'd used to describe it," - The President ID4
  • 97. "Hartmann Rules" - Matt Hartmann
  • 98. "Where you goin?" - Cop "To get laid. HAHA!" - Shaft SHAFT (1971)
  • 99. "I am in a world of shit, yes, but I am alive and I am not afraid" - Joker FULL METAL JACKET
  • 100. "My shrink was right, God does hate me" - Jay THE CRITIC
  • 101. "The times they are a changin" - Bob Dylan
  • 102. "Trust me, if i had a feminine side, I wouldn't stop touching it" - Tucker TUCKER
  • 103. "The world has turned and left me here, just where I was before you appeared" - Weezer
  • 104. "But you hate people" - Dante; "Yeah but I love gatherings, isn't it ironic" - Randal CLERKS
  • 105. "You can only give away so much of your heart before you don't have any left for yourself" - Me
  • 106. "This rock and roll scourge could turn out to be more dangerous than comunism" - Mr. Rock & Roll
  • 107. "How am I turning both ways?" - Charlie
  • 108. "Get up, Stand Up, Stand up for your rights" - Bob Marley
  • 109. "I'm a lot like you so please Hello, I'm here, I'm waiting. I think I'd be good for you and you'd be good for me" - Weezer
  • 110. "You got a choice to leave your place your lonely place behind be true to yourself now and let it go it's better than you think" - Goldfinger
  • 111. "I've worked so hard for what I got and that ain't much, but what I got is mine all mine" - Ape Hangers
  • 112. "This time I turn around/and things have changed/now I don't feel the same" - The Offspring
  • 113. "The fiend in his own shape is less hideous, than when he rages in the breast of man" - The Narrator "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • 114. "It's hard to write without inspiration, It's hard to live without motivation" - Deech
  • 115. "I'm on my feet, I'm on the floor, I'm good to go, All I need to do is hear a song I know, I wanna always feel like part of this was mine" - Jimmy Eat World
  • 116. "The air of ideas is the only air worth breathing" - M. Riviere THE AGE OF INNOCENCE
  • 117. "Why are you so far away from me" - Weezer
  • 118. "I just want to make you proud, I just want to stand out in a crowd" - Bennett
  • 119. "Death, that is one mack daddy you don't want to f#ck with" - The Coroner FINAL DESTINATION
  • 120. "See me, hear me, feel me, touch me" - Tommy TOMMY The Who
  • 121. "I HAVE THE POWER" - He Man (new episodes every friday at 6 on Cartoon Network)
  • "I'm rockin the suburbs, just like Quiet Riot did" - Ben Folds Five
  • 122. "I know this girl named Denise, she makes me weak in the knees, she drives a lavender Lexus, she lives in Queens but her dad lives in Texas" - Fountains of Wayne
  • 123. "The thing is Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care" - Peter Gibbons OFFICE SPACE
  • 124. "But love is blind, and lovers cannot see/The pretty follies that themselves commit,/For if they could, Cupid himself would bluch/To see me thus transformed to a boy" - Jessica THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Shakespeare
  • 125. "The function of the university is not simply to teach bread-winning, or to furnish teachers for the public schools or to be a centre of polite society; it is above all, to be the organ of that fine adjustment between real life and the growing knowledge of civilization" - THE SOULS OF BLACK FOLKS W.E.B. Du Bois
  • 126. "So, what have you been doing with your life?" - Debi "Professional Killer" - Martin " get dental with that?" - Debi GROSSE POINTE BLANK
  • 127. "Just lying on the floor, playing my guitar, trying to find the chords for just the way you are" - Fountains of Wayne
  • 128. "F*ck you replacement friends" - JD SAVING SILVERMAN