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My Last Night in Town, At Olives

Working at Wizard was great, but hanging out on the weekends was even better. These guys (and their ladies) knew how to show a guy who didn't know anyone a great time and I really appreciate that. All the following pictures are from my last night in town. My dad Scott, who flew in to help me drive back (and ended up doing most of the driving), took these pictures. As you can tell almost everyone made it out to see me off and meet my dad. Thanks again.

By the way, if you're ever in Nyack, stop by Olives and have a drink. Yeah, it's expensive, but so is everything else ins New York. I liked the laid back, smoke free atmosphere and the lack of crappy bands (for the most part).

The Gang

Alright, here we go. On the far left we have Chris and his wife Sarah. Since I left Chris moved from the research office up to a staff writer position. Congrats. Behind Sarah we have Alison and Jesse. Jesse edits many of the fine stories you read in Wizard (assuming you're not just one of my friends checking this out and actually do read Wizard) and Alison is his wife. I am in the middle, nicely toasted. To my immediate right is uber-editor Brian (you should see this guy's collection of original art, it's amazing) and his girlfriend Paula. And last but not least is Mel, master of all things Hollywood/comic related.

Here Comes Trouble

Here I am posing with my boys. Brian, my roommate who I spent the most time with, is directly behind me in the army-looking jacket. He's also wearing boots, but you can't see them. To my right, sticking his head out and smiling that goofy smile he's known for is RicKy, the senior managing intern (which means he was there for two summers). And finally, Walker. Walker lives with RicKy, Cotton, and Alex (though Alex has recently moved back to Miami). Here you see the biggest Burt Reynolds fan I've ever met. Watching Cannonball Run with him and Jesse changed my life, even though Walker fell asleep half way through.

The Ladies

Unfortunately I was not able to get a picture of the bartender Meg. She was really cool and always hooked us up with free songs on the juke box. I think she's studying in Hawaii now. Anyway, here we have Sarah and Alison picking out a few toons. I'm pretty sure they played some Weezer for me. Rock on.

The Bar

This is a great picture of the bar as a whole. I'm really glad my dad took the time to take these pictures, otherwise I would only have fuzzy memories of the many Friday nights spent drinking at Olives then walking down to Tarantello's for pizza (the best I've ever had, even sober), and eventually making the ridiculously long, uphill walk back to the dorm. If you look real closely at this picture you can see Senior Staff Writer Mike Cotton and former intern coordinator and editor Alex in the middle of the bar.

Me and Mel

Proper English be damned, here is a picture of me and Mel. I'm most likely doing that thing where I talk so fast that I start to lose my breath. You'll know what I mean if we have a few drinks together. It is also likely that I'm cursing a certain director of a certain giant robot movie for not returning my calls and thus killing my biggest story opportunity. Oh well, I did what I could.

One Last Picture

This is it, my last picture before leaving Nyack. Sarah drew me a picture on a bar napkin of one of our first meetings. It was at Cotton's house and she decided to measure the ditance between us with a nearby tapemeasure. She would do the same thing every other time we hung out there. It's strange the things you remember and decide to draw while plastered. Thanks again to everyone who made me feel at home out there.