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Pictures of Home

For those of you who've never seen the humble Dietsch abode, or for those of you who just miss it (and The Tank) so much here it is.

The House

Here's my house, we've lived here for like 15 years now I think. We redid the downstairs about 7 years ago and now the folks are working on the upstairs. They're doin a hell of a job, I barely recognized the place.

The Tank

You know it, you love it, and you probably miss it more than me if you're from T-Town, it's the lovable Tank. If you've had the pleasure to actually be a passanger in this beauty you will know about the CD player and the speakers that my Dad blew out the first day it was installed. Oh well at least it works as opposed to my Mom's Cougar. I have conveniantly not taken a pic of the other side where the huge ass scratches are that I got from scraping along the side of Jimmy's house.