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College Life

Some say college life is fun and exciting. I'm not so sure about the exciting part, but we've had our fair share of fun here at OWU. Check out some of these classic moments (by classic I mean that I happened to take a picture of them).


Well the title pretty much covers it. This was one of my few goals in the beginning of the year, to beat Mega Man 2 and I did it. This is before we met and started hanging out with the girls down the hall and the girl that ended up being goodly enough to go out with me (Emily). God, look how happy I was.

Did I lose a bet?

No I didn't lose a bet, I got bored one night and asked the ladies if they wanted to do my hair in some cool way. This was the result. I felt almost as cool as Matt Hartmann (but I know I can't ever be that cool). I think they did a hell of a job. I had to do the punk rock thing after they did it. I picked up my guitar and just played power chords (badly). As a side note I'd like everyone to notice Em in the backround of this pic, it is SO obvious that she wants me :)

Screwing with Em

Ha, this was great. We took Em's money and put it on our Christmas lights. She had to jump to get it, it was funny stuff. Notice that she's wearing my pic around her neck. This was after Thanksgiving break when I gave it to her to remember me by. Also notice the Christmas lights. My folks left those for us to get into the holiday spirit with and we liked them so much that they're still up. Actually we're just lazy, they've only been unplugged about 3 times since we put them up.

I clean up well (kinda)

Why'd I get all dressed up? Why for the Pres Ball of course. We ended up not leaving until 12am to go over there. I was getting pissed during the 3 hours that I was ready and started to make alterations to what I was wearing, that's where the red velvet shoes come in. By the way, I discovered the date type dances are a hell of a lot more fun when you're with your girlfriend and you're not worried about making an ass out of yourself (cause you do it all the time anyway :)

Randy's Visit

During Randy's mid semester break he was cool enough to come down and visit. It was really cool to have him here hanging out with all of my friends here. The kid can be comfortable around just about anyone. He, Em, and I went to dinner and afterwards I brought him back to the room and kicked his ass as you can see in this picture HAHAHAHAHA

Chillin with Nikhil

I think I got fed up with the people in my room and went over to Nikhil's side and watched some TV with him. No offense to the people that are always in my room, but it can be really overwealming sometimes. And sometimes I just need to hang with my favorite Indian.


Yup, sometimes college is so stressful that I just need to come home and play my Tele really loudly and really badly. Oh well, I'm still learning. Anyway, playing badly can take a lot out of you and sometimes I lay down and fall asleep with the geetar in my hands. Thank god someone was around to take this picture (he says dripping with sarcasm)

Bonding with Heather

Back when we used to have a PS2, Bond was our game of choice. I was the worst in the room, but I did have my moments. This, of course, was not one of them. I played Heather (aka Heat, Rock) without my radar on and she kicked my ass. Luckily, fot my own sake, I just stopped caring but didn't stop playing, this probably saved my sanity.