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I have been online since August of 97. One evening in October that year I surfed onto Mom4boyz webpage and found a link to The F.U.N. Place. I was very excited to have found a website filled with wonderful parents who loved to share their experiences as parents. It has been a wonderful 3 years for me meeting everyone and being able to share parenting stories at the F.U.N. place, my home on the web.

Today you can find me working full time as a Christian SAHM (Stay At Home Mommy) to my 2-1/2 year old son and 4 year old daughter. My DH, Ion and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary in May of this year. I don't see DH too much because he is usually tearing down walls and building new ones in our home that was built in 1865. While the kidos are napping I am usually logging on to the or chatting in the #parentskitchen. When I am not online I am busy designing and sewing outfits for the children. My fingernails are usually dirty from digging in my flowerbeds because I love to garden.  When I am doing fixing up the yard and 'dolling' up the kids I am usually taking photos of them. Photography is another hobby I enjoy. The children and I are very active in our local YMCA.  It is a great place to meet other families in the community and to learn about fitness. Another very important part of my families life is our relationship with Christ.

I enjoy being a leader for the Awana Clubs at our church.  It is a wonderful experience being able to work with the children and teach them of God's love for all of us.

In the Fall of 98 I was able to start a Craft/Sewing Chat at the #parentsroom with co-host Kelcee.

We also have a Craft Board at the F.U.N. Place which was created Winter 98. This Board is filled with links and ideas to just about every craft/sewing idea aviable. Check out the board to meet others who enjoy crafts and sewing. I love to  get email and meet other Crafty people so check out my webpage and sign the guestbook or send me some mail.