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Hello there! I'm Petunia, but most people soon shorten it to Pet.  I'm in my mid-thirties, married, and a Stay-At-Home-Mom to three beautiful daughters: Kimberly, Elizabeth and Laurie.  My dh and I grew up in two small towns on opposite sides of the Flint River in Georgia; met, fell in love, married and settled on his side of the river *G*  I'm a just your basic small town girl: down-to-earth, very family-oriented, much more comfortable at a backyard barbecue than I would be at some fancy-smancy dinner-dance. I like listening to country music, reading almost anything, cross-stitch, crochet, playing with my little girls and oh yeah... chatting with all my buds on IRC!

My dh and I have been online for four years now.  We got into IRC almost from the start, getting our feet wet on DalNet then migrating to Anothernet before settling on StarChat.  StarChat is the best IRC network IMO and #parentskitchen is the best channel on StarChat.  I have been coming to #parentskitchen for about fifteen months now, and I felt welcomed and one of the gang right from the start.  Come by and visit, soon, and you will see what I mean :-)