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I'm a 36 year old mother of two little girls. I might be biased but I think that they are the cutest little girls in the world. I am happily married to my husband of 13 years and live in a beautiful, rural area. Currently, I am a Stay At Home Mom, after working 12 years in the graphic arts and printing industry, a career I loved! I decided however, that it would be wonderful to spend a few years with my two daughters. And it is! It is definitely worth the monetary sacrifice!

My family is very important to me. I am kept pretty busy taking care of my two daughters, which is pretty much a full time job these days. I am active in our Church and am a member of the local UMW. I am Vice President and am in charge of publicity this year. I also teach Sunday School which is fun and I am happy to say that my girls love going and are very dissapointed when we can't go to church.

When I'm not with my husband and children I spend many hours on my Apple Computer either creating artwork, browsing or chatting with my cyberfriends in #parentskitchen.