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(Ok, so this isn't really Kelcee's pic, but until we get one... )

I am a mostly stay-at-home mom and I work part time at our church.  Great job! My dh (of 14 years)and I live in Maryland very near the Chesapeake Bay with our 3 children...Amanda 12, Josh 9 and Shelby (wildchild)3.  We also share our home with a big ol' black lab, Raven, 3 cats and 2 guinea pigs. Dh and I are both pretty active at our church.  We both teach Youth, work in the Nursery and I direct our annual Vacation Bible School.  Besides church we are active with the kids in sports, mostly golf, lacrosse, and cheerleading.  My guess is Shelby will play football or pole vault or something rough and tumble like that. :) Dh and I were both Officers on PTA Boards this past year.

As a family we like to camp, go to the beach (bay and ocean) and spend time with friends. We have homeschooled in the past and are planning to again in the fall of '99.   Are we worried about socialization?  YES! That's why we're homeschooling. lol

Alone I love to read and chat on the puter.  I recently started a collection of old Bibles, preferably with family histories written in them.

I have been chatting with people from PK for about 4 years now.  A great bunch!  Come by for a visit anytime!  See you there!