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My real name is Carol, meaning song of joy. My friends in #Parentskitchen know me as Carolmana I was due on Christmas, but launched a surprise attack and arrived 12-20-53. That just about nails my age down doesn't it. I live in Lenzburg, Illinois, Pop. 412, counting dogs, cats (most of which live at my house). I married Tom 3/14/91. Poor guy, he knew he was getting a ready-made family, but he didn't know he was marrying a zoo. Tom became husband, father and grandfather all in a two year span.

Tom and I were married on my father's birthday to honor his memory. My dad died of lung cancer in 1972 , the year I graduated from high school. My dad could only attend in spirit. We had a confederate theme to our wedding since Tom and I met at the Melvin theatre in St. Louis he ran, and "Glory" was the picture showing.
I have a daughter Brandi, who is going to be married to Chad June of 2000 . I have a granddaughter Rebecca that I refer to as the wild child. She is very creative and full of energy and a whole lot of independence.

Tom and I enjoy traveling on road trips with no determined destination we just jump in the car and take off stopping where ever and whenever, also included in entertainment is gardening, canning and my pets the type and kind fluctuate constantly always more then one never less then two. We both enjoy movies old ones new ones although Tom has a much wider range of likes then I do. Music is a definite interest my interest is pretty well limited to bluegrass and the current fad Tom likes it no matter what it is you should see the record collection I rate his collection  as things that make you go huh?

We are both Christians and actively attend New Athens Baptist Church where Tom takes on the role of Royal Ambassadors leader(boys group similar to boy scouts but church based) and substitute teacher. I do behind the scenes type of work in the church helping where needed. Tom is also a member of Promise keepers and teaches a Bible study Group at work. Tom works at a local factory running a robot and programming it to make computer boards that do everything from running the soda fountain at local restaurants to operating the signal lights for the railroad.
I was formerly a towboat cook, for the Valley Line co. then a manager of Petland a pet store, moved on to veterinary asst. and now I'm a stay at home grandma, spending the majority of time in #parentskitchen in order to get some adult conversation. Nothing better than a cup of coffee in the morning shooting the breeze and keeping up with the gossip. Chatting for me started out as a distraction from the loneliness around the house, since Tom was at work, and daughter lived out of state. It also gave me something to talk about at dinner with Tom, besides which dog had fleas. I became quickly addicted and, even though daughter has moved back home and I have plenty of company, I can't seem to get enough of the good times in #parentskitchen. My Tom approves of my chatting all the time. He says it keeps me away from shopping, and I have learned a lot on the computer from all my cyber friends.

Tom and I are currently hosting a Trivia game on Friday nights in #parentsroom you can check the schedule at The FUN Place should there be a change in times. Come and join us its all fun.