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Bron is the resident Aussie in PK. I live with my husband Peter and our 3 boys, Joseph who is 6, David who is 5 and Sam 2, in the beautiful Blue Mountains in Sydney Australia.

I am a Stay at Home Mum but help out my father by running the Australian office of his Educational Video Company, from home. The boys also keep me busy with all the running around for their social lives and having their friends over after school.

My family and I are committed Christians and attend the local Anglican Church. Both Pete and I are very involved within the life of the church and thank God for leading us up here 1 year ago.

Unfortunately due to the time difference I can't spend a lot of time chatting with all the wonderful pk people. You are all in bed sleeping when its night time for me . However I love a chat and try to find as much time as I can before the kids come home from school to join the pk.

Thanks to LawnElf, Blueyes, Ashmark and all the others that made me feel so welcome and still do.

One day I will organise an Aussie language translation booklet so you can understand some of the things I say.