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What is Underwater Hockey?

Underwater Hockey is a game played by two teams of 10 players each. 6 players are in the water at any one time with the remaining 4 swop outs waiting out of the water. The reserves can swop in as often as needed whenever its needed as long as there are only 6 players of the team in the water at any one time.

As you may have guessed the game is played by holding your breath (swallowing water is not advised) with the lead puck sitting at the bottom of the pool. The pool is usually about 1.8m to 2m deep, although some pools push limits and are about 2.5m deep.

The puck is played with a 25 cm long hockey stick which looks absolutely nothing like a land hockey stick. The stick is used to push the puck along the bottom of the pool and to flick it either at goal or towards a team member. This allows the game to move incredibly fast because the puck can lift up to about 30cm off the floor of the pool (although you've got to be damn good to do it!) and there is no friction between the tile floor and the puck.

Other items of equipment necessary are Swimming fins (closed heel advised), Scuba mask and Snorkel. You will also need a stick and glove (to protect your fingers from the tiles) but these will usually be lent to beginners before they eventually get their own. The kit looks much like the following:

About 60% of the game will be spent underwater with the remaining 40% taken up by sprinting on the surface and/or recovering from holding your breath. The recovery time varies from player to player but in general it will reduce as the player gains more experience and greater fitness.

Contrary to initial expectations good breathhold does not make an instant good underwater hockey player (although it helps). All round fitness and swimming fitness will see quicker results and breathhold will simply be acquired by playing the game.

On the other hand, if you want to get fit then underwater hockey is the way to go. Plenty of aerobic and anaerobic exercise compacted into 20 min of game will see your fitness level increase dramatically. If you Scuba Dive then it will improve your air consumption rate too.

