Loch Ness Monster

One of the theories I have on the Loch Ness Monster is that it could be an as of yet undiscovered freshwater whale. There are freshwater dolphins found in rivers in China, India, Pakistan, and Brazil. It is not impossible to believe that there may be another freshwater Delphinidae species, and that it might live in a large body of fresh water like Loch Ness.

The picture on the far left is of "The Monster", the picture on the right is of an Orca Whale, notice the resemblance between "The Monster" and the larger whale's dorsal fin.

The picture on the far left is of "The Monster's" humps, the picture on the right are of Orca Whales breaching the ocean's surface.

The picture to the far left is the most famous photo taken of "Nessie" of all time, the picture to the right is of an orca whale with a large dorsal fin. It would be easy, from a distance, to mistake a bent dorsal fin as a creature with a thick neck and small head, and a large body.

Whales are very large, and in some cases very fast aquatic animals which, coincidentally, happens to be how the "Monster" is explained in some cases. This is just something that I was able to come up with after examining some of the photos of the Loch Ness Monster. Does this mean that something actually is in Loch Ness? Not necessarily, the alleged pictures could actually be of orca whales in the ocean, then claimed to be pictures of the Loch beast, or could be pictures of just about anything in reality. The freshwater whale theory is just a hypothesis made from alleged visual evidence, everyone is free to decide for themselves. I would really like to know what, if anything, lives in the loch, perhaps we were never meant to know.

Note: I myself do not believe that there is a whale in Loch Ness, but I was just throwing another "could be" on the table. Thank you.