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This is our first site together, we hope that you enjoy our page and sign our Guest Book at the bottom of this page (or you can can sign the guest book on our baby page which contains all the Huston baby news.) and let us know what you think of our sites. Note that these are family sites if you would like to leave a prayer request we will be happy to say a prayer for you. Snice we are Christian's we will mention the Christian religion through out this site. We deadicate this site to Jesus. If you have a prayer request remember to leave you email address in our guest book so we can get back to you.

Let us start by witnessing to you about how GOD brought us together. Cher was a member of Christian Connection MatchMaker(CC). David was trying a free trial membership out to meet new friends. Back on Jan 2nd 1999 David received an e-mail from Cher. From there we became e-mail pals, and as the days passed by we got to know each other, as we told our hopes and dreams. Then on Jan 22nd 1999 our lives were about to be changed, that was the day we realized GOD has written David's name on Cher's and Cher's name on David's Our prayers were answered when GOD brought us together and now the heavens are rejoicing in the name of love. On Jan 22 1999 David told Cher that he loves her and Cher told David that the she loves him. Now that the months have past by our love is only growing stronger. Aug 5th 1999 Cher moved to Ohio to start her life with David, wiating to become Cher Huston. David will continully working on opening his Business in Ohio which is called The Nerd House (currently The Nerd House is an affiliate of Barnes and Noble and American Greeting Cards, soon to add some software and a gardening site affiliate programs) Cher plans to start a babysitting job (she has infant written on her heart) and we're praying that it turns in to something much bigger, but we will just follow our Lord & Savior JESUS CHRIST He is our guide.

Now that we are to be parents, we will have our own little one and have a deadicated a entire web page just to him/her. It will contain all the news on our little one and infant rearing. Cher and I are excited to be new parents. This is one of GODS plans for marriage is to become parents and raise children. All of this is to golrify his name...Praise the Lord.