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Wildwood Young Marines

Community Services and Charity Events

Wildwood Young Marines are never afraid to take on their responsibilities as citizens of the United States of America.
We try to give to the community that we live in as well as have the community help us.

Press Release 10/22/01
Submitted by Catherine Woods, Public Relations Officer
Wildwood Young Marines

When a National emergency strikes the Unites States, the Wildwood Young Marines of Cleveland, Ohio, stepped up to the plate and delivered a grand slam.

On September 16, 2001 Wildwood Young Marines volunteers, along with representatives from Greater Cleveland Young Marines, participated in the sale of hotdogs, pop, pickles and Young Marine lawn flags at the Brooklyn (Ohio) Wal-Mart raising over $1,500 in one afternoon for the relief fund for New York and Washington.

Members were featured on the local 6 o’clock news broadcast and several local radio stations. This is the 3rd fundraiser held this year by Wildwood to benefit their unit, but with the disaster in New York and Washington, WYM decided that victims of these cities needed the funds more.

A collective effort is being made by the Young Marines nationwide toward this effort.

Press Release 10/22/01
Submitted by Catherine Woods, Public Relations Officer
Wildwood Young Marines

On Sunday, September 23, 2001 the Wildwood Young Marines of Cleveland held 2 fund raising events at 2 separate locations to benefit the Disaster Relief Fund.

Young Marines, in full dress uniforms, could be found near the Cleveland Browns Stadium collecting donations before the game and at the Brooklyn Wal-Mart on Brookpark Road selling American flags and patriotic items.

A total of approximately $3,000 was raised to benefit the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund

Other News Releases of Wildwood Young Marine Events:

Veteran's Day Hopkin Airport Disaster Drill