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Wildwood Young Marines

Fund Raising


  Our fund raising efforts have been successful in the past thanks to all of the Young Marines and staff that have participated.   We have worked at the Walgreens on Brookpark road in the past and have been fortunate enough to make a small but inspirational profit.  Thanks to all who have participated in these events.  We will be starting our fundraising events soon as the weather permits.   A very large thanks to the Walmart family on Brookpark road for supporting our unit.  With out their commitment to the community, we would not be able to look toward the future for our unit.     Contact Mr. Woody for further information on any of our future fundraising activities.

Thank you Cleveland for supporting our efforts to help with the Terrorist disasters. All of our profits from our September Fundraisering efforts in 2000 went towards rebuilding our country and our spirits. God blessed us and we will always keep fighting the good fight.
Semper Fidelis!!!

    Our unit is currently in the middle of a corporate fundraising event and we will be trying to add to our list of sponsors.   If you wish to contribute or have a business that is looking for a worthy cause for sponsorship, please do not forget our children need help with uniforms, dues, camping trips, historical ventures, and transportation. We are a 501c(3) non-profit youth educational group.   We have on file an IRS letter #1070 (DO) (7-77) supporting the non-profit status of our organization. The Young Marines EIB identification number is 38-2346425.

    Any donations to our unit are truly appreciated.   We need support for our program and the kids that cannot afford to be in a youth educational program.   If you wish to donate to our unit, feel free to write to us at:

Wildwood Young Marines
c/o U. S. Naval Reserve Center
1089 E.9th Street

Cleveland, Ohio  44115
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