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Last Updated: 3rd June 2000

Fun for all the family, Madlibs! I would like to thank the people at "Lucky" a top Radiohead site (sadly no longer with us), for letting me use the code. Cheers! If you don't like Radiohead go and buy their records anyway or hit yourself around the head with a fish. Hard. The object of these is to pick a song and fill in the boxes with what it asks for i.e., if it asks for a noun fill in a noun.... such as 'cheese'. If it asks for a verb fill in a verb.... such as 'jump'....easy, huh? So play! I will be attempting to add some new ones in the coming weeks

  • Radio Free Europe
  • It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
  • Losing my Religion
  • Everybody Hurts
  • What The Frequency, Kenneth?