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July 19, 1999

Like I said things could only get better and that they have. I feel a lot better today and this is the only time you’ll hear me say it, I am glad it is Monday. Nothing big has happened today to make this such a wonderful day. Just nice little things and it has made all the difference. I laid in my pool all day and got a nice tan and talked to a few good friends of mine and I feel so good. I also got a new CD today so that is good. And my mom who I am speaking to again, took me to breakfast, that was very sweet of her and a nice time we spent together this morning. I realize in my last thought I was whining and totally annoying, very much not me. But when you have a bad couple of days, it’ll do that to you. I know this thought is not very long but I don’t have much to say. Just that I am happier and sorry about that last depressing thought. Life is great so SMILE!