Microsoft V-Chat 2.0 for Windows 95 & NT 4.0
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Microsoft V-Chat 2.0

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Microsoft V-Chat 2.0 is a multimedia, multi-user chat program that lets people communicate online in socially engaging 3D environments. It uses the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol -- the most popular chat protocol on the Internet -- and runs on standard IRC channels and servers.

When you chat with V-Chat, you are represented by a graphical character called an Avatar. The 3D nature of these characters lets you add depth to the facial expressions, gestures, and movements your avatar displays while you chat!

--Click Here for Sample of Chat Screen--

To use this program there are two important downloads that must be made. First and foremost a download of Direct X is needed, you can find this at the Microsoft V-Chat Website. Then the actual V-Chat program must be downloaded, this can be found at the same site. Both of these files take around 45 some odd minutes with a 56K modem (known from personal experience).

Downloadable Avaters For The Man With Everything

Listing (uncomplete) Of V-Chat Rooms

After picking your Avater and downloading the software there are only a few steps remaining. First you must locate the downloaded files and then install both on your hardrive by clicking on the executable icon. You should first install Active X because you need to restart your computer after this process and to run the V-Chat program you must have this already in your computer. After you have restarted your computer you then install the V-Chat files. This process will not take more than a half hour by even computer novices (that is if you can find where the file is located, usually under C:, Program Files). After everything is completed and installed, click the Start button and find Microsoft E-Chat under your Progams option. Click and then follow the online instuctions. To actually visit chatrooms besides the initial room you must be connected to the internet. Good luck and have fun chatting!

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Last updated March 9, 1999.

Best viewed with Netscape Navigator / Buse Productions 1999