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Done on Monday, Jun 22, 1998
In case ya didn't see, this is an interview with Paul Motherbox.
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Niki Z! Ok, I've never done one of these things before, over ICQ, so this ought to be interesting :)
Paul Motherbox Why the hell was I in caps??? Arrgh….
Niki Z! I dunno, I hit the caps button all the time, when really meaning to hit the tab button. It pisses me off when I do that!
Paul Motherbox ok I'm ready
Niki Z! Ok, what made want to start running yer label, and what year was it?
Paul Motherbox Motherbox Records was started in 1992 by the guys from the band Spirit Assembly from Lancaster Pennsylvania. At the time I lived with two members of the band, I was like the roadie I guess. They put out the first Motherbox release themselves the Spirit Assembly 'Fruit of Hate' 7", I became involved with the second release.
Niki Z! That's interesting, I had no clue! So what made you decide to get into it during the second release, and actually stick with it from there?
Paul Motherbox Well, I worked while I was at college. So I was one of the few people I knew that had some cash to spend. By the second release I was a senior as was Larry so it was basically me and Larry doing Motherbox, we both liked this Lancaster band No Ones Hero and we asked if we could do their record and then we did.
Niki Z! Cool. Where did you go to college at?
Paul Motherbox Millersville University in PA
Niki Z! What did you get yer degree in?
Paul Motherbox Radio and TV Broadcasting
Niki Z! Do you have one of those cool DJ voices that all the ladies find sexy???
Paul Motherbox Yes, smooth as silk
Niki Z! Damn! I should have made this a phone interview! Oh yeah, who was Larry (sorry to sound like a complete dumbshit!)?
Paul Motherbox Larry at the time was the singer for Spirit Assembly, I'm sorry I should have clarified that. After that it got a little complicated
Niki Z! In what means did it get complicated?
Paul Motherbox For the year I lived with Spirit Assembly I was sxe, as was the band. They were also strict vegetarians. I was too, for the most part (I still ate fish and drank milk). Larry and I went to England when we graduated. He took offense to my eating shepherds pie, and we sorta didn't speak after I got loaded on a cruise to Amsterdam. So when we got back to the US our partnership dissolved, but the projects we had planned together I finished.
Niki Z! Why do yer releases have so much more diversity then most labels have? I mean, you put out quite a wide array of sounds over the years.
Paul Motherbox Well, I just do stuff I like. Spirit Assembly was an emo band I guess, we've had ska, HC, punk, emo, it's my label so I do stuff I like...
Niki Z! I think that is rad, cuz usually, I'm lucky if I can find a label that puts out stuff that moves from one side of the spectrum to the other (like a namely punk label, is hard to find a good HC release on, and vice versa).
Paul Motherbox When I started I said "I wanna have some ideals" and I took what Dischord does and tried to emulate them, right down to prices, but I wouldn't say the sound of our labels are the same. I don't think Motherbox has a distinctive sound...
Niki Z! Well, that isn't nessicarily a bad thing, cuz it's always a surprise to see what you will put out next. So who helps you run Motherbox these days? How many people keep it running smoothly?
Paul Motherbox Well for the most part it is just me. Lydia helps with some record stuffing sometimes. Ryan is my graphic artist. Kevin has a box of stuff he takes to shows that I don't make it to, but I do the majority. If it wasn't for Ryan doing all the art stuff though, I doubt I would have so many records out. Graphic artists aren't cheap!
Niki Z! I see. Aren't you pretty involved in yer local music area and stuff?
Paul Motherbox Yes and no. If you notice we don't put out records of too many NY bands. Hard core is the big thing here (ska too). I am not a huge ska fan so I skip those shows. I do attend some HC shows, cause there are bands I do love from around here (Kill Your Idols, Silent Majority, Error Type 11), but I'm not in a band or anything....
Niki Z! Well, that is more involved then a lot of people these days.
Niki Z! How old are you?
Paul Motherbox 26, be 27 in September
Niki Z! How exactly did you get involved with UTV & when?
Paul Motherbox hmm.... I guess Rich interviewed me in 1995 sometime. I think I've done my column for two years now. There used to be a section about Long Island HC and it stopped, so I guess I bothered Rich and said "How the hell can you not have a long island punk and HC section??" and he said "Wanna write it?" So I did, some people tell me its the only reason they pick it up, but I think its a really well done zine…
Niki Z! Yeah, I agree. I can't get it much though, cuz nobody around here (in Northeast Ohio) sells it, plus I'm kinda poor, so I was real happy when you sent it to me in January (hey, did you get my package yet?)
Paul Motherbox Yeah, the copies of Bad Stain...
Niki Z! Ok, cool, I wasn't sure. Do you want more?
Paul Motherbox I can distribute it here if you want me to
Paul Motherbox Have I sent you only one issue of UTV?
Niki Z! Yeah, the one with the more Chaos Comp.
Paul Motherbox Oh, ok I will have to send you some more then, every issue has a CD with it now
Niki Z! Really?? I swear, I'm gonna go to Borders and bitch at them, cuz all they carry are MRR & Punk Planet plus some shitty skater mag with a crappy CD every issue, damn it! I should DEMAND Under the Volcano!
Paul Motherbox ha ha.....right on
Niki Z! Hey, now that you have my curiosity peaked on another subject, I'm gonna ask a few really simple asinine questions about distro'ing and shit of the sort, like: How you pick up the bands you put out? & How you get rid of some of yer stuff that doesn't do all that well.
Paul Motherbox Ok, well if I take stuff it is either consignment or trade, that way I don't ever have to lay out cash for stuff, and if it doesn't sell I can return it...
Niki Z! That's a smart way of doing it :)
Paul Motherbox I trade a lot over seas & I have stuff no one else carries...
Niki Z! Have you ever had any bad times with folks concerning doing business in any manner ?
Paul Motherbox hmm... I've been ripped off by stores that go bankrupt, Distributors usually get around to paying, it just might take a year or more…
Niki Z! Where are some places that you feel you can really trust, and try support with your records?
Paul Motherbox There are several stores on Long Island that I totally trust, and a few in PA. You have to have some level of trust in this business and yet you always have to hope they will eventually pay you. Like I have a new distributor in NC, he has paid me every month, every 30 days, but who knows what could happen, I just have to trust him.
Paul Motherbox I also try to find a kid I can trust in every state and I send them about $400 worth of stuff and say "sell this stuff...." I got a good guy in Missouri
Niki Z! That's really an interesting way or doing stuff. Does that usually work?
Paul Motherbox A few guys have outright bought stuff. I have hoped to get more people doing that for me. I think the records we do are really good and I want them to reach the most people possible. One record store in Boulder Colorado sold 100 inside 7" and the band only played there once, that is insane!!
Niki Z! That is pretty rad, actually, that inside 7" has kinda grown on meJ
Paul Motherbox Yeah you gave it a shitty review, I'm gonna have to have the Willis guys ruff you up for that…
Niki Z! Sorry bout that (the review)….That sounds kinda fun though, those Willis boys, they sure are an odd bunch!
Paul Motherbox The Willis boys are the nicest white trash I have ever met, and I really love their music...
Niki Z! Yeah, I really was surprised with their split you put out! It was Great!
Paul Motherbox My next big releases are the Disenchanted CD, the PeaWees CD, and the inside CD....The anothersevenfold CD has been out 2 weeks and its selling pretty well
Niki Z! That Disenchanted disc sounds like it will be good. I still think their best songs gotta be "If You Only Knew!" I love that one!
Paul Motherbox That song is nasty!
Niki Z! It's a great song, and the vocals sound great
Niki Z! How did you get into the Book Yer Own Fuckin' Life bit?
Paul Motherbox Well no one wanted to do it, I wanted to do it on my own, but it was too much so Rich got the UTV writers organized and 5 of us did it....
Niki Z! I really owe you a huge thanks for that, you do not understand how that last issue helped me out, cuz it came out right when I first really started looking for interesting relatively un-heard of music to review/interview, and I was lost, till that thing came out.
Paul Motherbox It's a shame that that was the last issue
Niki Z! Yeah, but it should be revived one day when the people are willing (whoever that may be) to do it, I'd be willing to help do it one day, if the right people were doing it, & I lived in the right place
Paul Motherbox You need a lot of people willing to type a lot of hours
Niki Z! Yeah, that was my next question, which was how hard was it, and when did you start the project, and finally finish it.
Paul Motherbox Well it was easy at first but 90% of the submissions came in the last two weeks. It was sorta hellish, but I for one would definitely do it again, Motherbox would do it, I just need a team of 5 or more people
Niki Z! Sounds like something to shoot for, do you see it coming out under Motherbox direction in the next few years? Or must you find an interest in the people first (ones willing to do it)
Paul Motherbox I would like to submit an offer, only possible if Maximum foots the bill...
Niki Z! Yeah, what exactly does MRR do? Pay for it?
Paul Motherbox Yup, they just pay for it
Niki Z! Oh, that sounds easy enough. Do you think they'd really object to doing it again, if you had it well organized, and it wasn't a piece of shit? Or are there other politics involved that my simple mind doesn't know about?
Paul Motherbox Honestly I am not sure, Rich did all the negotiating with Tim Yo and he is dead now. Which may be another reason that there was no issue out this summer…
Niki Z! Who knows…
Niki Z! What was yer favorite record that you have released so far? Or don't you have one?
Paul Motherbox Which one I listen to the most is usually the newest one. I still think Violent Society "Not Enjoin' It" is one of my Top 10 records of all time...
Niki Z! That must be nice having that one on the list
Paul Motherbox Yeah, I think they are great....
Niki Z! Just because I have some sort of odd fixation on the diversity of yer releases, I'm gonna ask, do you know of any other labels that release a wider variety of music then most labels, like any labels that are small, and maybe not as heard of as most?
Paul Motherbox Hmm....most labels keep to a certain sound. I like Dr. Strange a lot...and old Dischord stuff, but I don't generally buy stuff because of the label it's fav bands are: Peter and the Test Tube Babies, Flag of Democracy, and The Supersuckers...
Niki Z! Cool, you have good taste in what you listen to and what you release! How do you get hooked up with most of the bands that you put stuff out by? Do they usually come to you?
Paul Motherbox Generally I see them first....I get a ton (a shitload) of demo tapes....but only like three bands have we decided to work with because of a demo, either I catch a band live and say "whoa", or its a friend of mine and I just like it ya know?
Niki Z! yeah, I see.
Niki Z! What were the 3 bands you picked up cuz of demo's?
Paul Motherbox Clincher, but they broke up before we did their CD, Secondhand and anothersevenfold
Niki Z! I see.
Niki Z! Didn't Sleepasaurus sell well?
Paul Motherbox Yes, they did sell very well
Niki Z! Why do you think everybody loved them so much?
Paul Motherbox They were just a great pop-punk band. They knew more then 3 chords, were catchy, and had harmonies. It was really some great stuff. I miss Sleepasurus
Niki Z! Have you ever had to go to summer school?
Paul Motherbox ha ha.....yep, I went two summers it sucked
Niki Z! I asked that just, cuz I gotta start going tomorrow, from 7:30am till 12:30pm!
Paul Motherbox Yep, failed Spanish. I didn't want to take it. It was mandatory.
Niki Z! Really, they let you take that shit in summer school, they don't offer languages here, I'm stuck going for Algebra.
Niki Z! Do you have a day job, or is Motherbox it?
Paul Motherbox Yeah, I gotta work at 6:00am. I work at a hospital. Motherbox is a "hobby" that I spend 50 hours a week on….
Niki Z! Damn! That's a lot of love!
Paul Motherbox Hope this makes for a decent interview
Niki Z! Well, I think this will be a fine interview.
Paul Motherbox Wish I could afford an ad in the zine, I'm just so broke cause of the 4 new CD's going all at once....maybe someday
Niki Z! Well Paul, I tell you what, I plan on having my own small zine going by the end of the year, whenever I get it going, I will print yer ad's free for as long as possible, cuz you've hooked me up so phat!
Paul Motherbox I'll write for your zine if you want
Niki Z! Yeah, that would be killer! Cuz besides the initial $$$ problem, I have not found many people who'd write for it. That's great. We gotta chat again sometime, if this wasn't too boring for you. yeah, just name the time and date from now on :) ok, well, I will let you go now.
Paul Motherbox no problem
Paul Motherbox yeah not so late next time....I'm dead tomorrow.....oh, check yer email
Niki Z! I will have to talk to some people, see if I could help you out. Did you talk to Willis??
Niki Z! They seem to be kickin' down in Akron/Youngstown
Paul Motherbox trying to get the legion of doom in Columbus to book them Monday July 27
Paul Motherbox maybe Maxi-Pad in Cinncy for July 28
Niki Z! Well, ya know Cleveland, is run by Steve Suckerpunch, basically. He basically books most of the punk shows around here, and I've been told he is a dipshit, thus there is no scene in Cleveland, and Willis refuses to play here! But I will see if the guy from Bippy (a local band) is putting on any shows anywhere Paul Motherbox ok I'd appreciate that.......that would be rad
Paul Motherbox later on man