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Ummm.... Pictures???

Hmm.... that would be me above. Some of the pics on here are really big. Sorry about that, I messed up and it won't let me fix it. Anyway~

Hmm... I don't know WHAT that is... No, it's my friend tom... you can

This is the most recent pic I have on here right now, me and my puppy :-) This was on Dec. 23.

Click on Dan's pic :-)

This is another pic of me... fun~

On here cuz Tom wants it to be....

That guitar sux... anyway again cuz Tom wants it.

This pics kinda old and.... stupid... but it's me LoL~

This is me... I ges. It was taken b4 homecoming... There's not much more to be said about it~

Hehe this is only up here cuz Tom said to put it up, it is kinda funny though :-)

This is some of my family at Thanksgiving... (left to right) My moms fiancee, my gramma, my cousin Jason, my mom, and my aunt Nina~

This is my mom with her bird~

This was my roomate at OLC (ohio leadership conference) She was awesome~

This is Jonathan, one of my better friends from OLC~

Devon, also from OLC~

Here's a pic of my puppy Shadow~

This is one of my best friends, Melanie~

My doggie again~

This is part of my lovely room... yay~

Pics from the Digital Camera
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