About Me</font>
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About Me

Wow. It's been so long since I've touched this website. So, I'll tell you about me since this is indeed the About Me section. I'm about 5'6. Probably closer to 5'5 but I like to round up so I feel taller. I'm 17, and my birthday is March 8. My hair at the current moment is purple, but this changes often, so the color stated here may not be correct. My eyes are brown. I go to Perkins school, I'm a senior (woot). Kind of sad that I'll be out of there soon, but happy at the same time. Life is flying by so quickly. Ummm... I enjoy writing. I have poetry up here but a lot of it is quite outdated, but I'll fix it later. I play the French Horn in band. That's... about it.

If you want to email or IM me, my screen name is MysticMoonlight5 : -)

Go back to my main page.

Email: MysticMoonlight5@aol.com