Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ~ Odo


Odo, contemplating relationships: You want to watch the Karo-Net tournament, she wants to listen to music, so you compromise: you listen to music. You like Earth jazz, she prefers Klingon opera, so you compromise: you listen to Klingon opera. So here you were ready to have a nice night watching the Karo-net match and you wind up spending an agonizing evening listening to Klingon opera.

~A Man Alone

Odo: Procreation does not require changing how you smell, or writing bad poetry, or sacrificing various plants to serve as tokens of affection!

~The Forsaken

Odo: Every sixteenth hour, I turn into a liquid!
Lwaxana: I can swim.

~The Forsaken

Odo I'm a shapeshifter. I just don't do faces very well.


Odo's response to Chief O'Brien's comment on the Founders' being 'cold-blooded': My people don't have blood, Chief.

~The Abandoned

Bashir: I'm sure there's more than one Klingon who thinks that slaying a changeling would be worthy of a song or two.
Odo: Doctor, if a Klingon were to kill me, I'd expect an entire opera on the subject.

~Way of the Warrior

Odo: Another glorious chapter of Klingon history. Tell me, do they still sing songs of the great Tribble hunt?

~Trials & Tribbleations

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