Dude, Where's my Car?

Dude, Where’s My Car?

Jesse Montgomery III: Who's "Joe Potsmoker"?
Chester: Oh, that's my alter-ego.
Jesse Montgomery III: Wait, I thought that was MY alter-ego.
Chester: No, you're "Smokey McPott."

Jesse Montgomery III: Dude, where's my car?
Chester: Where's your car dude?
Jesse Montgomery III: DUDE, where's my car?
Chester: Where's your car dude?

Jesse Montgomery III: Have you seen my car?
Christie Boner: Yeah.
Jesse Montgomery III: You have?
Christie Boner: Well, I saw the backseat.
Jesse Montgomery III: No, I'm talking about the whole thing.

Chester: So is this dude. It's a break-dancing stripper emergency.

Jesse: $500,000?!

Hot Chicks: We are not guys, we are extremly hot chicks with large breasts.

Jesse: Screw the universe!
Nordic Dudes: Screw the universe?

Nordic Dudes: Stop copying us.
Hot Chick: Stop copying us.
Nordic Dudes: Stop copying us.
Hot Chick: Stop copying us.
Nordic Dude: Beach!

Chester: I think this is it, dude.
Jesse: Thank you captain obvious!

Jesse: Stupid llamas!

Mark: Tell me about it I used to model!

Mark: I've been here 3 year 8 months and 18 days, but who's counting?

Piere: In France, when a man is caught poaching ostrages we shave his head and make him run through the fields.
Mark: Oh god, that's the good part!

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